Wharfedale Diamond 220 Speaker System Review Test Bench

Test Bench

Diamond 220 (purple) +1.44/–4.56 dB, 200 Hz to 10 kHz; –3 dB @ 99 Hz, –6 dB @ 76 Hz; impedance minimum 4.35 ohms @ 224 Hz, phase angle –35.10º @ 120 Hz; sensitivity 87 dB, 500 Hz to 2 kHz.

Diamond 220C (green) +2.71/–3.73 dB, 200 Hz to 10 kHz; –3 dB @ 83 Hz, –6 dB @ 70 Hz; impedance minimum 4.26 ohms @ 213 Hz, phase angle –43.44º @ 3.6 kHz; sensitivity 87 dB, 500 Hz to 2 kHz.

WH-D10 (blue) Close-miked response, normalized to level @ 80 Hz: lower –3 dB @ 37 Hz, –6 dB @ 34 Hz, upper –3 dB @ 553 Hz using LFE input.—MJP

Wharfedale USA
(312) 738-5025

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...to try anything from Elac at home.
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Were any THD measurements done for the D10 sub ? It seems to have a quite wide FR for a sub and I am wondering if it can be used also as a mid bass module ( not just a sub) for a small bookshelf, upto say 200-250Hz ..
Thats only if there are no THD concerns upto that freq.

Thanks !!!