JVC Procision DLA-X750R 3D D-ILA Projector Review Settings


Picture Mode: User 1
Color Profile: Custom 1
Color Management: ON
R: -1 hue, -2 saturation, all others 0
G: All 0
B: Saturation -2, all others 0
C: All 0
M: All 0
Y: All 0
Color Temp: Custom 1 (6500 profile)
Gain: Red -5, Green 0, Blue -3
Offset: Red -4, Green 0, Blue -2
Gamma: Custom 1
Correction Value: 2.4
Picture Tone: 0
Dark Level: 2
Bright Level: 0

MPC Levels:
Enhance: 3
Dynamic Contrast: 0
Smoothing: 0
Clear Motion Drive: Off
Motion Enhance: Off
Contrast: -1
Brightness: 5
Color: 0
Tint: 0
HDMI Mode: Standard
Iris Aperture: Manual (-10) (occasionally Auto 2)
eShift: Off
Lamp Mode: Low

Unit-to-unit sample variations, the viewing environment, and the source might render these recommendations less than optimum. They are provided only as a potentially useful starting place.

The settings here that are most likely to translate reliably from one sample to another are those involving specific features with only a few setting options, such as Color Space, Gamma, and Noise Reduction. The ones most likely to be subject to sample variations are video controls offering a wide range of settings. This will be particularly true for color temperature (gray scale) and color management adjustments (where available).

While experimenting with the user menus controls can do no damage and can easily be reset, we do not provide settings for service menu adjustments. Random alterations of such controls without detailed knowledge of what they do may corrupt a set's firmware. This will likely require extensive in-shop repairs that are not covered under the warrantee.

We strongly recommend that you find the optimum basic video settings for your sample by using one of the many display setup Blu-rays that are available, such as DVE HD Basics or Spears and Munsil HD Benchmark 2nd Edition. A full calibration, particularly of the gray scale and color gamut, is best left to a trained and properly equipped technician such as those certified by the Imaging Science Foundation (ISF) or THX.

(800) 252-5722

new2HT's picture

Mr. Deering,

I appreciate your thorough reviews on both the Sony 665 and the JVC 750. I am moving on from my Panny 7000 and your reviews were helpful. I have a dedicated theater room and I am trying to decide which way to go. It seems that your bottom line was a preference to the JVC 750. Did you get a chance to view much material through the Samsung UHD player? Did they easily connect? Any real benefit to look at the JVC 950 especially in a dedicated room? Does the lack of 10 bit processing in the Sony concern you regarding the future of 4K? I do not want to spend 15K and have to buy another projector anytime soon. Thanks again for your help.


shaolin95's picture

""This results in the dreaded soap-opera look"
What a retarded comment. Guess your brain is too slow to see the slide show that is 24fps. Its time we move away from that outdated format which only reason for existence was that it was CHEAP.....learn before you make a fool of yourself