I've often heard that being in an anechoic chamber is an uncomfortable sensation; I'd love to get the chance to experience it. I get very uncomfortable with too much echo in a living space. Back when I was in my early 20's, I tried mushrooms at a friend's house. I made the unfortunate decision of selecting Holst's "Mars, the Bringer of War" as the soundtrack(why, oh why didn't he warn me of the folly of my ways?). As I started to see vivid colors, I became quite overwhelmed due to the music. It was playing in the next room over, and since he had hardwood floors and a shortage of soft surfaces, I was assaulted with Mars and a multitude of its lesser reflections, violently attacking me at once.
To this day I get uncomfortable in spaces that have too many reflections. I've carpeted or rugged much of the hardwood floors in my house for that reason, and I have no complaints about my wife's predisposition toward heavy drapery. I don't think I'd enjoy being in an anechoic chamber any more than the next guy, but it's still a fascinating proposition to me.