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What Is Your Favorite Blu-ray To Demo Audio?

Last week, I asked which Blu-rays you think have the best video quality to demonstrate the capabilities of a home-theater display, and many great titles were cited. Thanks to all who posted a comment! However, out of over 140 people who clicked on "Here it is"—indicating that they had one or more titles to recommend—only 15 have left a comment so far, not including multiple entries and my responses. What's up with that?

Now, I'm asking the same question with regard to audio quality. What Blu-ray titles do you think provide the best audio—surround envelopment, dynamic range, frequency response, foundation-rattling bass, etc.—with which to demonstrate the capabilities of an audio system? As before, simply select "Here it is" below and leave a comment with your favorite title(s) and which audio qualities are particularly outstanding. I really hope more of you who click on "Here it is" also post a comment!

Vote to see the results and leave a comment with your favorite title(s); thanks for your input!

What Is Your Favorite Blu-ray To Demo Audio?
Here it is (leave your choice in the comments)
51% (191 votes)
I don't have a favorite
37% (140 votes)
I don't have a Blu-ray player
12% (47 votes)
Total votes: 378

JamesS.'s picture

Taken, Lucy

mariahcarey's picture

Mad Max: Fury Road - The high-octane action and intense sound design of this film make it a popular choice for demonstrating wordle the dynamic range and power of a home audio system.

EddieJNguyen's picture

It is good that you are sharing this detail for the users. Such professional ideas are good and helpful for us to find the best Blu-Ray content.