Extract—Miramax Films (Blu-ray)

Movie: 3
Picture/Sound: 2.5/3.5
Extras: 2.5

About to sell his successful flavor extract company, life is almost sweet for Joel until a freak on-the-job accident happens. Add to that his bored wife, his laid-back, stoner best friend, a sexy con artist who blows into town with dollar signs in her bedroom eyes, and a dumb gigolo - and life as he knows it turns sour.

Mike Judge delivered one of the best comedies ever with Office Space. This one takes a different approach to the workplace and actually sympathizes with the management and their attempt to run a business with a pack of morons. Bateman is hilarious as a struggling factory owner who has one thing after another happen just before he sells the factory. This includes a missing testicle, a sexy new employee and a prude wife. The film isn’t quite as funny as Office Space, but it’s still chocked full of great lines and funny characters.

This is a pretty disappointing presentation for Blu-ray. The video wavers considerably in quality throughout the film with some longer shots falling short of a good DVD presentation. The film has a muted look that is soft and detail just never gets where it should. This is probably intentional, but it is also distracting considering the format. The soundtrack doesn’t do much either. It is mainly dialogue driven with some light ambiance and a few soundtrack selections here and there.

Extras include some deleted scenes and a look at making a Mike Judge film.

While funny, this one is ultimately a bit forgettable. I was hoping for a longer lasting impression like Office Space. The presentation didn’t help either making this one barely a recommendation as a rental.