Suit Demands Cable Unbundling

A lawsuit filed in a Los Angeles federal court demands that the cable and satellite industries offer channels individually, not in tiers.

An estimated 80 billion consumers have a "right of choice" that is being denied by cable operators, satellite services, and networks, says attorney Maxwell M. Blecher. Named in the suit are NBC, Viacom, Disney, Fox, Time Warner, Comcast, Cox, DirecTV, Echostar, Charter, and Cablevision.

Cable and satellite operators have traditionally bundled service in tiers. Consumers may choose among tiers but not among channels. The practice has attracted criticism from parent groups, consumer groups, and Kevin Martin, chair of the Federal Communications Commission.

Martin has expressed a preference for so-called a-la-carte service but adds he cannot issue rules requiring it without an act of Congress. To that end, the Family and Consumer Choice Act of 2007 has been introduced under bipartisan sponsorship.