When In Rome—Touchstone Pictures (Blu-ray)

Movie: 2
Picture/Sound: 4.5/4
Extras: 2.5

An ambitious young New Yorker, disillusioned with romance, takes a whirlwind trip to Rome where she defiantly plucks magic coins from a fountain of love, inexplicably igniting the passion of those who threw them in: a sausage magnate, a street magician, an adoring painter and a self-admiring model. But when a charming reporter pursues her with equal zest, how will she know if his love is the real thing.

This just wasn’t the film for me. Chock it up to cliqued comedy and obvious story, I just felt like I’ve seen this one too many times before. Bell is cute, but she didn’t have me emotionally involved. There are some great cameos here, but ultimately this is a pretty forgettable rom-com.

Video wise this is a pretty stellar presentation from Disney. There is plenty of color and bright sequences to show off your display and fine object detail can be quite impressive. The New York City and Rome backdrops don’t hurt either. The audio is your typical rom-com soundtrack with little in the way of sound design. Just some poppy tunes and subtle ambiance.

Extras include some extra scenes and deleted scenes as well as a feature commentary. Some behind the scenes fun is also included. Some music videos are also included.

This is passable entertainment at its best. But Touchstone has delivered a nice presentation making it an easy recommendation for fans of the film or those maybe wanting to rent a forgettable date night flick.