The Heartbreak Kid—Dreamworks (Blu-ray)

Video: 4/5
Audio: 3/5
Extras: 3/5

When the single and indecisive Eddie meets the sexy and beautiful Lila, the guy who could never pull the trigger jumps the gun. While honeymooning in Mexico, Eddie discovers he's made a really big mistake. He soon meets Miranda, his real soul mate. But when the love of your life isn't your wife, things can get quickly out of control. Now it will take some desperate measures to turn his honeymoon from hell into the perfect romantic getaway.

I didn't have very high hopes going into this one. I am not a big Ben Stiller fan, and the previous Farrelly Brother's films haven't always struck a big chord with me. Thankfully, this one is fun. There is still some trademark over the top humor, but most of the great laughs aren't forced. Being a newlywed myself, I enjoyed the themes and situations in this one. Worth a look for sure.

The image quality here is quite good, with great color rendition and depth of image. This was one of the last films released on HD DVD by Dreamworks and the picture quality is nearly identical. Most of the film takes place outdoors and the image benefits from the gorgeous scenery of Cabo and the Bay area. Fine object detail is also quite good, adding a lot to the dimensional quality of the image. I didn't see any compression issues at all, and the print seems to be in excellent shape. Contrast is quite good, but I thought the image was a bit dark at times for some reason. Overall though, this is a very nice HD transfer.

Nothing sounds bad here, but this isn't a film with interesting sound design. Dialogue is clean and articulate though, and the imaging across the main channels is fine. Surrounds are utilized, but you don't get much from them. Some of the music selections liven things up a bit, but only a little. This was also the case with the previous HD release and I guess just a trademark of the sound design.

Extras include a feature commentary, deleted scenes, a gag reel, production features, and the trailer. Only the trailer is HD.

By far one of the better Farrelly Brothers’ films and probably one of my favorites from Stiller. Paramount has done a fine job with the presentation and the film was just as fun this next time around.