CALM Act Heads to President's Desk

Despite everything you read in the papers, Congress did get one thing done in the past month. One of the major irritations of TV viewing is about to get fixed thanks to the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation (CALM) Act. Having survived passage through the House, Senate, and reconciliation committees, it is heading toward the final OK from President Obama.

The new law would require the Federal Communications Commission to activate audio rules already embedded in ATSC, the digital television broadcast standard, to smooth out the often wildly varying volume levels of TV programming and those blaring commercials. While it won't cover everything you watch (such as internet video) it will have a profound impact on broadcast channels, whether delivered over the air or via cable, satellite, or telco. It was championed by Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and picked up substantial bipartisan support on the way.

See previous story and Broadcasting & Cable.