Burning Desire Page 5

Lite-On LVW-1105HC

RECORD/PLAYBACK PERFORMANCE All results for the progressive-component output. Test patterns were 4:3.

Recording mode HQ (1-hour/ DVD) SP (2 hours) LP (3 hours) EP (4 hours) SLP (6 hours)
Video encoding MPEG-2 MPEG-2 MPEG-2 MPEG-2 MPEG-1
Recorded pixel count (horiz. x vert.) 720 x 480 720 x 480 352 x 480 352 x 480 352 x 240
Video bit rate with Avia resolution test pattern (megabits per second) 9.22 Mbps 4.62 Mbps 2.98 Mbps 2.1 Mbps 1.33 Mbps
Onscreen resolution (lines, horiz. x vert.) 540 x 480 540 x 480 260 x 480 260 x 480 260 x 240
All Audio Encoding: 2-channel Dolby Digital All Audio bit rate (kilobits per second): 256 kbps

DVD PLAYBACK PERFORMANCE All results for the progressive-component output. Test patterns were 16:9 widescreen except for onscreen resolution.

Vertical luminance response (re level at 100 lines) 200/300/400 lines: ±0/±0/±0 dB

Horizontal luminance response (re level at 2 MHz) 4/6/8/10 MHz: -0.63/-1.3/-2.0/-2.2 dB 12/13.5 MHz: -3.6/-4.6 dB

Onscreen resolution: 540 lines (4:3 image) In-player letterboxing: good