Broadcast DTV May Poach Cable Customers

More than half of viewers say they may switch to over-the-air digital television from cable or satellite service.

That's what 55 percent of viewers in a Harris survey say they are "somewhat or very likely" to do. Even more of them, 69 percent, say the DTV transition will be good for them and their families.

While this is strictly anecdotal, my eightysomething parents are also big DTV fans. They are thrilled that the seven channels they could get with analog service have burgeoned to 30 channels in the new DTV era.

Getting back to the Harris survey, viewers under the age of 24 are most positive about the DTV transition. They're also the most likely to make the switch to free broadcast DTV from cable or satellite pay-TV service. While the survey seems to indicate that antennavision will be poaching viewers from satellite and cable ops, it does not reveal the percentage of viewers who drink Royal Poacher ale.

See Harris press release and survey results (PDF).