Best Buy Says Go Blu, Young Man

Blu-ray is Best Buy's "preferred format," the megachain said yesterday in a press release. Though HD DVD won't disappear from the shelves, the retailer will "prominently showcase" BD hard- and software in both brick-and-mortar and virtual stores.

"Consumers have told us that they want us to help lead the way," says an executive. I guess that would explain the common sight of people standing on the floor at Best Buy and beseeching salespeople, won't you help lead the way?

In a statement first published on, the HD DVD Promotional Group (which had canceled its press function at CES) noted, "at least [Best Buy] will continue to carry HD DVD and offer consumers a price at retail." The statement called the new Blu-only policy at Netflix "unfortunate."

While we're on the subject of Best Buy, the chain also reiterated its support for set-top boxes in the DTV transition, but you knew that. New-to-us detail: The price will be $59.99, so Best Buy is making $20 over the cost of the $40 federal coupon subsidy.