Top 5 Gifts We Want to Give (if only we knew who to give them to)
So here are the top gifts we’d love to give this holiday season… if we only knew someone who we could give them to.
Headphones for Who?
Lauren: My first contribution: T.A.R.D.I.S. headphones. I admit, I’m a total Whovian. So when I saw these cans complete with my favorite time-traveling blue police box, I kinda freaked. The thing is, I’ve been burned before. There is another sci-fi legacy that was immortalized in headphones a few years back, and while they looked pretty cool, man, did they ever sound awful. But these Doctor Who Bluetooth headphones from Massive Audio sound really decent! There’s a little extra bass, and the mids are on the warm side, but seriously, for $119? The sound is bigger than the price tag.
Geoff: Wait, you’re not going to...
Lauren: They are…
Geoff: Please don’t.
Lauren: Totally bigger on the inside!
Geoff: I see we’re off to a great start this year.
Lauren: Now I just need to figure out which Doctor Who fan in my life I should send a pair to.
Geoff: Well given the inspiration I feel like they’re going to start strong, get really popular, then turn really mediocre.
Lauren: Wow. Not you, clearly.
Geoff: Maybe we can use them to go back in time to when Doctor Who was...
Lauren: Allons-y! Jeronimo!
Geoff: Much better.
Toaster that’s got it where it counts
Lauren: This isn’t home theater, really, but… who doesn't like toast?
Geoff: Aren’t you gluten intolerant?
Lauren: Hush. How about STAR WARS TOAST! Lookee.
Geoff: The toast is strong with this one.
Lauren: Do you think the only setting is “Dark?” Or is one side light and the other side dark?
Geoff: Okay, that’s just awesome. Any person that wouldn’t want this is not someone I need in my life.
Greatest headphones ever
Lauren: Okay, Geoff. Are you ready? I don’t think you’re ready.
Geoff: Probably not.
Lauren: Cat. Ear. Headphones. But not just cat ear headphones. Light Up Cat Ear Headphones. But not just light up cat ear headphones. Light Up Cat Ear Headphones where the Ears are Speakers so Other People Can Hear Your Music. Yes. Read that again. BAM.
Geoff: My brain can’t fully process this.
Lauren: Oh and there’s a removable boom mic. BOOM.
Here’s what is nuts. I was completely ready to disregard these things. Let’s face it, these look really silly. But I gave them a chance, and I’m so glad that I did. They actually sound decent! And the ear-speakers are about as good as any small speaker of similar size that I’ve heard. The weight is a little much for my head to wear for a long time, but hey, they’re super fun. But who can I give them to?
Geoff: Not sure I could pull these off.
Lauren: Oh I'm sure.
Delicious Scarf
Geoff: OK, game on. This is about as related to home theater as the toaster but no, it doesn’t matter. Bacon is awesome.
Lauren: What is it with you and bacon stuff? Last time we did this it was bacon headphones. This year, a scarf?
Lauren: Touché.
Geoff: Hmm, it looks more like prosciutto.
Lauren: Does that...
Geoff: Wait, it’s acrylic. That would taste terrible. Vegan though.
Lauren: Technically, yes. Also, we need to talk about you not eating scarves.
Audiophile Watch
Geoff: Now here’s something for the audiophiles reading this. A vacuum tube watch.
Lauren: :::holds breath and hits refresh on comments:::
Geoff: It doesn’t tell time as well as an digital watch, but people think it’s more temporally pleasant.
Lauren: :::refresh, refresh, refresh:::
Geoff: It uses three different batteries, and I’m told if you use special high-end batteries, it’s twice as accurate and moves twice as fast.
Lauren: :::puts on helmet:::
The opinions expressed in this holiday piece are not necessarily the opinions of Lauren, her family, or her dogs. All opinions expressed related to tube amps are those of Geoff and Geoff alone.
Any disclaimers expressed in this holiday piece are not necessarily binding or a factually accurate representation of Geoff’s opinions and may have been written entirely by Lauren.
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