I believe you need a category for the Amazon Echo. Everyone in my family has one but my Mother. I Bought one on Black Friday for $149 for her for Christmas. She lives alone and I really feel these are good for people to talk and interact with for both fun and facts. ...and friendship.
I don't believe I can vote as this just being a streamer or bluetooth speaker.
What Did You Buy on Black Friday?
With all the pre-Black-Friday sales and hoopla leading up to the most over-hyped shopping day of the year, did you venture out on Friday in search of a deal? And, if so, did you find any crazy bargains? More to the point: What was your top AV purchase—the deal to end all deals? Indicate below what type of product you bought and leave a comment telling us where you found the deal and what makes it special.
What Did You Buy on Black Friday?
4% (14 votes)
4K/Ultra HD TV
24% (76 votes)
8% (25 votes)
AV receiver
5% (16 votes)
Dolby Atmos-capable AV receiver
6% (20 votes)
Home theater speakers
10% (32 votes)
3% (8 votes)
Wireless (Bluetooth or Wi-Fi) speaker(s)
4% (13 votes)
Blu-ray player
5% (16 votes)
14% (45 votes)
Portable music player (iPod, etc.)
2% (5 votes)
Streaming media player (Roku, etc.)
10% (33 votes)
5% (15 votes)
Total votes: 318
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Submitted by mikerr on November 30, 2015 - 7:22pm

I bought something non-AV
Submitted by prerich45 on December 1, 2015 - 7:57am
I bought a new bed. I'm still trying to figure out if there's anything that I would want in AV right now :(

Not a damn thing!
Submitted by jnemesh on December 1, 2015 - 9:13am
I am happy to say that I totally skipped out on "Black Friday"! Most of the "deals" weren't really deals anyway, and I was just as happy to stay home and avoid the chaos. Screw Black Friday. The sooner it dies, the better humanity will be!

Some Blu-Rays
Submitted by dnoonie on December 3, 2015 - 8:51pm
I got:
* Blu-Ray disks, BBC doc type.
* A vacuum, to help keep my dedicated HT room clean so my equipment will last as long as possible...the old one got tired.
* I worked on the HT room, covered some audio diffusion with speaker cloth.