You're one of those people who overanalyzes the situation and yet understands none of it. His name is milo yiannopoulos. he's a conservative gay dude. and he's awesome. In an era where we HAVE to support females over the quality of the film people like him can thrive. You people constantly try to silence any meanness cause you're weak, you're bloodline is weak, and you'll never survive the winter. He didn't even bull her or harrass her in anyway. You need to stop being one of those people who is getting all your information from 2ndhand accounts. That's how you become a feminist, by believing other people when you didn't experience it
PS i love how you talked about the fact ghostbusters was a sexist movie, just against men, which makes you a sexist for supporting it. i'll be reporting you to your editor because he shouldn't support your bigotry. get a life and stop genderbending anything because men have overpowered you your whole life.