I have a pair on pre-order and originally was going to purchase the Magnepan 3.7i which many people and reviewers consider to be the best value in speakers under 10k, until now ...
Thanks for the review and please advise what amps / preamps you used for the review and perhaps your thoughts on power requirements.
Also- FYI, I have heard from Goldenear that the first shipment is delayed again. August is the latest update for initial deliveries to dealers in the USA.
GoldenEar Technology Triton One Speaker Page 2
All elements of the electronic circuit topology—from the speaker inputs on the back of the cabinet through the high-resolution DSP and electronic crossovers to the 1,600-watt subwoofer amplifier—are balanced in order to reduce as much induced noise as possible. Rather than a single, large power supply, the Triton One’s sub amp “utilizes many small, separate power supplies for each circuit section to provide isolation, so there is little opportunity for coupling through the power supplies.”
A Living, Breathing Speaker
After “forcing” myself to listen to a pair of the Triton Ones, I began jotting notes, such as: revelatory, ultra-dynamic, seamlessly seamless, addictively addictive, cosmically orgasmic, removes wrinkles, rejuvenates bald spots, better than Viagra, who farted? (oops, that was me), holy crap! (that was about the speakers), I am not worthy, and Is that pair 5,000 U.S. dollars or 5,000 Euros? Needless to say, I quickly ran out of appropriate approbations and lavish laudations and had to resort to hijacking adjectives from foreign languages—to the point where I eventually ended up consulting my tattered Egyptian Hieroglyphics-to-English scrolls. (“These speakers absolutely embalm the competition!”) My point is that GoldenEar’s Triton One speakers are members of that rarest of rare breeds for which words can do little justice. You simply have to listen to them—no, experience them—firsthand. While adjectives may not suffice, I can give you these words of advice: Make sure you have some spare underwear with you the first time you listen to the Triton Ones. One way or another, these speakers are going to move you.
GoldenEar’s HVFR tweeter sounds just as spectacular in the Triton One as it does in the other Triton towers. But as much as I love this tweeter, it’s almost a minor character in the performance here. What makes the Triton One so special and oh-so-worthy of over-the-top plaudits is how dramatically dynamic and unbelievably seamless the entire speaker is—and there’s not one single magic ingredient or special tweak to point to that makes this so. Sometimes people will compare one speaker to another by noting that the better speaker sounds like a veil has been lifted away from it. Because the Triton One is so open, so full of energy, and so low in obvious distortion, it doesn’t sound like a veil—or even a blanket—has been lifted. It sounds like a flippin’ doublewide set of Venetian doors has been thrown open.
The speakers are so well balanced sonically that it’s difficult to decide which piece of music to discuss first. No single track stands out because they
all stand out. For example, in “Una furtiva lagrima” from Donizetti’s L’Elisir d’Amore, as heard on Joshua Bell’s Voice of the Violin, the tension in the strings and the fragility of the wood in the body of the violin are visceral. Even with your eyes open, it’s practically impossible to make yourself realize you’re not listening to living, breathing human beings playing actual instruments in front of you. Likewise, pick any track from Peter Gregson’s Terminal (originally commissioned by Bowers & Wilkins, by the way), such as “Spin” or “Cello Counterpoint,” and Gregson’s cellos sound magical and alive thanks to the fact that the drivers in each Triton One are so beautifully matched. It’s as if that splendid HVFR tweeter, the pair of 5.25-inch mid drivers, and all that woofer surface area were being moved simultaneously—not by the power of watts, but by the power of distilled emotion. Peppino D’Agostino’s acoustic guitar in “Desert Flower” is equally as vivid, and you can hear and feel a lush texture within the low sounds of the strings and drums.
When it comes to bass response, I’m not sure there are many pieces of music that would come close to taxing the powerful woofer assembly in the Triton One. Mickey Hart’s Global Drum Project certainly didn’t, despite the recording’s blend of acoustic and electronic percussion. “Funky Zena” was an especially interesting track to audition because of the continuous low bass tone that lasts throughout the song. In addition to being an important unifying aspect of the music, that tone began to come alive via the pair of Triton Ones—almost as if it were a sentient presence in the room. The bass on that and so many other songs, such as Steely Dan’s “Cousin Dupree,” was so smooth throughout the room that each drumbeat almost made a transition from music to a living breath.
In the beginning of this review, I made a poor attempt at summing up Sandy Gross’ 42-year career in the speaker industry. I shouldn’t have tried. There’s no way to do it justice in print. I’d have done better by simply telling you to go out and listen to a pair of the Triton Ones. They are the perfect summation of a legendary career—a magnificent magnum opus—and no one can say that better than the speakers themselves. With the Triton Ones, GoldenEar Technology has fully ushered in the Golden Age of the Loudspeaker. I have no idea where Sandy Gross goes from here, whether he collects more art or finds some other way to astound the audio world. (After all, 2030 is still a ways off.) In the meantime, I know where I’m going. I’m heading back to my theater room to take another listen to the Triton Ones.
For additional observations about the Triton One, see Darryl Wilkinson’s comments here.
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It is strange you haven't described your test system.
Since value is still a factor even in a $5,000 speaker, what would also be considered a worthy value Amp/Preamp?
Would hooking it to just an AV Receiver lose it some of its fidelity compared to hooking it up with an amp/preamp?
What about the Music? Should it just be Vinyl, SACD or CDs as a minimum quality of storage or are MP3s acceptable?
Would I be misusing these speakers if I play electronic music (House, Techno, Dub)?

Found your test system. Sorry!

I am in my early 30's and could only wish to own these speakers (though I will be able to afford the Triton Seven Towers - thank you Sandy Gross/GoldenEar) anytime soon. Great audio makes me happy and it is satisfying to read the passion and excitement that cannot be held back by the reviewer when writing about these speakers.
Those looking for more information than what was given should look at the reviews for the earlier models.
Looking forward to Darryl's review of Definitive Technology's flagship speakers as well.

So nothing new just more cowbell, er, subwoofer built-in

that statement was a joke based off a SNL skit with will pherell and christofer walken which was about blue oyster cults recording of the reaper and all the pronounced cowbell in it its really funny u should check it out

I looked and didn't see any link to or mention of the gear used to review these speakers. It would be nice to know what other speakers these compare to? Revel Salon 2, B&W 800, Wilson Sasha etc...

And it was no contest the Revel is a much much better speaker. I think these speakers are a great value and to me the tweeter is basically perfect but to say they are as good as anything out there at any price I don't agree at all.

Don't those tweeters have a narrow vertical dispersion ?

The review noted is of the Triton 1, and I did an A-B comparison on the Triton 1 against the Revel F208 and I can tell you. The Triton blew the F208s out of the water. In fact, I believe the II's are as good if not better the than the Revel's. The new crossover's in the Triton's integrate the drivers to near perfection, causing a much enhanced imaging and seamless transition within the projected music. Didn't know the Tritons sported an upgraded crossover...? There ya go.

I felt that this was a peace about Sandy more than the speakers. It could had gone into details on the gear, room, file resolution etc. Also, how would the fair with other more expensive speakers? Can you provide examples in cases the Triton One would be better? since you suggest it would sound better for less.

I agree with other readers that a direct comparison vs other speakers in the same price range would make for an interesting read. I realize this is not a format Sound & Vision or Home Theater mag utilized in the past but maybe should be considered. The aesthetics of the Triton series may not be on par with the speakers they compete with regarding value - but to hear how they stack up sonically vs speakers two or three times the price would be cool.

Since you are in the process of reviewing the ST-L, it would also be very interesting if you included some comparisons to the Triton 1 since they are priced at the same level.

Can't wait to hear them - and this is the first speaker I have ever ordered without hearing them first

I have some Infinity Overture 3s and Interlude IL60 that I bought sound unheard. Both acquisitions turned out much better than expected and are still in daily use.

Honestly, this type of gushing review is a bit sickening- but not unusual- Goldenear is the most hyped product line in memory. I auditioned them last week [2,3 and 7]. Despite the klutziness of the salesman and the shortcomings of the demo, they all sounded good and I enjoy a bit of each track of DSOTM. After I left, I decided it wasn't revelatory or any of the other hyperbolic descriptions in this review. In fact, the salesman warned me the Triton tweeter had a narrow vertical dispersion, which is bad for my setup. I then ordered a pair of much more attractive and what I believe will be great- sounding speakers - Aperion Grand Verus Towers, which were on sale for $799 each. I have some earlier book shelf speakers of theirs and have been very happy with them

You wrote that YOU auditioned the 2,3, and 7. Yet, you ask about the dispersion of the Heil tweeter? Didn't you hear? So the salesman told you the Heil had limited dispersion...didn't you HEAR? You then "ordered pair of much more attractive and what I believe will be great sounding speakers." WHAT, YOU BELIEVE? You didn't listen to them? What kind of tripe is this? Since when did "attractiveness" have ANYTHING to do with sound? This type of amateurish comment on a speaker you HAVE NEVER HEARD is pathetic. I have heard the One's at a charter dealer, and I can tell you...they swayed me away from the Revel F208's and the Sonus Faber's. The Hype is real...I had to go to the Rockport Atria's to rival the One's. A loudspeaker costing 4 times as much. Even then, the dynamics were in favor of the One's. Sorry, but don't post on something you nothing about.

My comment about the review stands. It and others are gushing, finding no fault at all with these speakers. I guess that could be true and therefore anyone who buys anything else is a fool. I did audition the Goldenears, and as I noted the audition was not well done. I did not specifically listen for a vertical dispersion issue as he did not mention it until we were through. I wouldn't normally lie on the floor and stand on a chair during the audition. But in my HT the screen and speaker are raised 25", therefore it may matter. Attractiveness is important in many venues, just look at high end speakers- they aren't gorgeous for no reason- it's because in your living space you may want your speaker to look good in addition to sounding good. In my case, even though I mentioned to appearance of another speaker I ordered, it was not a critical factor, and since they were on several month backorder, I actually cancelled those and have since received the SVS Ultra Towers. One cannot hear internet direct- marketed speakers until one receives them. But since I had a previous Aperion model, I did have some confidence I would like their sound. I don't think that is too ridiculous. So my expectations were set too high on the GE speakers. This review only adds to that sense. Instead of intimating they are the equals of $30,000 speakers, it would be more useful to have a head to head comparison or at least, again, unless they are perfect transducers, to give some criticism along with the praise, more than 'they are really heavy'. Of course my SVS towers are 75lbs each without a built-in amplifier, just slightly less than the Ones' 80lbs.

That';s fine, I find it hard to fathom comments made on a speaker you have never heard. You can buy what you wish, You already changed your mind in buying the Aperion and have gone with the SVS. But commenting on a loudspeaker and having an uneducated opinion is just that. You take a chance on the SVS, that's why the have a liberal return policy. Already you have wavered on your first choice. Do us a favor, go listen to the One's when they come out. Then you can offer your opinion on a loudspeaker you have never heard. And while the review noted "gushes" over the One's, I suspect that further reviews by the Absolute Sound and Stereophile will do the same. I listened to the "Twos" for half a day on a myriad of of music, and found it lacking nothing. Your budget is obviously below the $2000 mark. If you can't afford the Two's it is fine.So, stay there, nothing wrong with that. There will always be people who must throw mud...

Everyone has thier own taste in speakers, but I have heard many of the very best for under 15k and the Triton twos are worthy of the ridiculous gushing press, they are THAT good. The first time I heard the Triton twos, I was completely underwhelmed. I think the room and equipment was all wrong. It was a mid level receiver and a smaller room which did nothing for the sound. The same same exact pair borrowed from the dealer and auditioned in my space sounded exactly like all the reviews. I pre-ordered the Triton ones that day !!
(equipment used was Rogue Spynx, Peachtree nova/200 and Emotiva XPA2- all sounded great with these speakers)

I was thinking the same exact thing regarding this review as some of the commenters on here: It is WAY TOO SHORT. Its never goes into any meaningful detail on these speakers, scrutinizing their sound quality, setup, its reads more like an advertisement. These are 5k speakers people, and I want a little more than silly, distasteful comparisons to condoms when describing the tweeter. In fact, I have the print magazine, and the length of the review is barely three pages, maybe less. In addition, the review of the M&K system is about TWO pages! All that for a system that costs seventeen thousand dollars!!! That is just not acceptable.
I've subscribed to Home Theater for almost 10 years now, and I can say that sadly, this magazine has been gradually but obviously dumbed down--for WHO I have no idea--, and I am NOT happy.

For perspective: This was a review of a single speaker model intended for music listening in a stereo pair. We obviously have less editorial space than we did 10 years ago, but still continue to include our own quasi-anechoic measurements and go out of our way in most reviews to explain what the speaker designer has done that's deemed to be special, and to describe the speaker's sonic character. In this case, Darryl had the benefit of referencing our archived reviews of smaller versions of pretty much the same speaker design.

Rob, can you give an example on how you guys when out of your way with Triton One? It seems that you guys had direct contact with Sandy Gross during the review: shouldn't that made it easier? Can you provide an example were Triton One would "sound better" than speakers costing 2x more?
I would love to keep coming back. You guys have a great track record, but we are calling it like we see it.

Did I in any way advocate for LESS review space? Certainly not a half page as you say. But, giving the SAME space to a 17k system as you would to a 1k system is a little ridiculous. The space used for the M&K system and the Golden Ear speakers is more appropriate for cheaper speakers, and the overall body of the review should have been a little for substantial. Apparently I'm not the only one that thinks this. All I can say is, I'm disappointed with the direction things are going as of late.

I must be naïve in requesting a comparison if this has not been done in the past due to the fear of pissing off advertisers. This is essentially done regardless in the "Top Picks" sections as there are top picks and those that missed the cut. Then there are products that get marginal ratings so I don't think it is the fear mentioned earlier. I hope that it is because not every reviewer gets to listen to all products reviewed and a comparison is therefore out of the question...but it would still make for great reading! For example, I love reading the car publications when they compare this year's top five SUV's, sports cars, luxury sedans, etc.

I got a quote of GE customer forum site:
"I have read a number of comments from listeners/reviewers who found the dispersion of the High-Velocity Folded Ribbon (HVFR) to be quite limited. CNET observed " I did note some treble softening when I stood up; so it appears that the tweeter's vertical dispersion is limited." A reader observed in response "Unfortunately, the detail just wasn't there - unless the ribbon in the center of the speaker was pointed straight at your ear. I must have looked absolutely silly in the listening room because I was stooping to get my ears in line with the speaker's center but it was amazing how much more detail was contained in about a 6" area of the room."
But, another reader responded " I stood and sat in every part of the room; no noticeable difference in the quality of the sound or the tweeter dispersion. "
"I am concerned since I am planning a home theater with 3 tiers of seating with some 26 inches vertical distance between ear levels at the front and back rows. So, only one of those tiers could be well aligned with the LCR tweaters."
--Triton One have similar problems since the tweeter is the same as the Two? If so, how can it wasn't reviled in the "go out of our way" review?

It sure would be nice to see some horizontal radiation pattern measurements. Looks like good drivers, except for that rising hot top by the tweeter.
Gross admirers should know that he was reportedly the person responsible for those ubiquitous Polk ads through the 1980s with quotation marks about the headline --- "Greatest speaker ever made by far" and the like --- as though someone had actually said it. A uniquely, shockingly sleazy practice even by the standards of CE.

While I keep hearing that these speakers are great, I really would like some objective information in how they perform. I really get the fact that you like Sandy Gross, it is very evident in the review and perhaps he has earned that so far. However, this review should not focus on Sandy Gross, hell it should barely mention him, it should be focused on the speaker itself and without any possible indication of favorable points due to the fact that Sandy Gross is behind this speaker. I have been reading articles by this magazine for a very long time, it is disheartening to see a review like this. You even mention that Sandy had to tell you that the passive drivers work, I would tell you that as well if I designed the speaker. I can tell that you're a good writer, please focus on the performance of products and explain in detail why they are great, or bad. I am sorry, but this review cannot be taken seriously.

I just received my S&V print issue and read this review again and I have to agree with GuiltyRocker. In addition I thought the entire first paragraph under "A Living, Breathing Speaker" was wasted space that could have been used to provide useful information to the reader.

What a waste of a review! I will not be renewing my subscription.

Come on now, this is a great publication that has been an amazing source of articulate info over the years.
I wouldn't go to an extreme and cancel your subscription, but that's me.
I do think that the writer and/or editorial team should respond to the overwhelming responses above. Perhaps, a followup piece, this time in depth review of the actual speakers themselves (instead of of the designer) and some actual head to head comparisons to speakers in their respective price point and higher.
I already have a pair on order, and don't need to be sold, but would love some expert analysis and relevant data regarding equipment recommendations, etc,

The Triton may be a fantastic speaker, maybe not. Unfortunately based on this review I cannot tell if it's right for me or not. How much amp power needed? Builtin powered subs, how do they sound in HT? What do they compare to? I'm sure Sandy is quite capable of designing a quality product; but the review shouldn't be based on Sandy but on real world information that will help us make a buying decision. I think your reviewers are missing the boat lately. People want to know more specific information to help determine if a product will work for their set-up. I had similar concerns with your review of the SVS PB2000 sub last issue, you failed to review the sub in a room it was designed for which is 2-3,000 cubic foot room; instead you put it in a 5,000 cubic foot room and called it lacking bass punch. Give the people what they want; in-depth, quality reviews based on real world testing. You would not review a Macintosh amp using cheap speakers so why review a sub in a room too big for it? Same with the Tritons; what size room etc should work best etc? I'm beginning to wonder if this subscription is money well spent.

I'm the proud owner of two speakers (Polk Audio SDA SRS 2.3tl and now Definitive Technology 7001SC) designed from companies Sandy Gross had a major hand in. Both great speakers. Yet in my view he spent too much time talking about Sandy Gross (who I respect) and little time on the review of these speakers.
I have read the follow-up by Mr. Wilkinson-it helped. However nothing on: distortion levels;
Dispersion of the tweeter
Comparisons to stand alone subwoofers.
Sir you say you had limited space; if you would have focused on reviewing the speakers-you would have plenty of space.
I concur with other readers. I looked at older reviews of the speakers I need-there was much more detail!

The huge (15 db!) peak at 12-13khz in the measured response graph is very worrisome and not addressed in the review.

I am a long time audio engineer and I am setting up a Stereo/HT system finally after years without any home system only listening to recorded and live music on the best Pro sound systems in the world. Fortunately after 35 years of mixing my ears tested very good recently. In my business and my company in particular we are very sensitive to frequency response and range. Therefore my expectations are high. Due to size and placement I do not want to use a separate sub but extended tight bass is very important.
I just got to listen to the GE Triton1, Revel 208 and DT Mythos ST-L speakers last night. I have been auditioning B&W CM10 and now CM10S2 as well as the Paradigms for the last few months. I had also previously listened to the Revel 208 at another dealer which did not impress in that demo. I wanted to buy the CM10S2's but was not impressed with the clarity of the bass. I thought the bass on the CM10S1 sounded cleaner. The CM10S2 tended to be a little muddy at times and was not as extended as I wanted. I did like the midrange clarity openness and imaging which to no surprise was favored in the selection of the sales person. I found the Revel 208 to be lacking in bass and a bit forward in the midrange but did image well and was fairly open. The Mythos had a good bottom end with the built in powered sub but had a hole in the bass above the sub. Mid and imaging were good but not great. High end again good but not great.
I then listened to the Triton1. I was immediately blown away by the depth of bass extending way down below the program and the tight response. This is what I am used to on my large pro systems. The highs were very detailed and clear imaging well and yes the 15K peak is right where it should be. Other companies have the peak at 10K which makes the high end seem less natural and bright and not as open. Whoever says you can't tell a lot about a speakers specs doesn't know how to read the specs. It sounded like its graph with the extended bass and high end. The low phase distortion was apparent in the midrange. The midrange was not over powering but set just right for clarity and imaging. The midbass was there but not too strong. The use of a high power sub amp with exceptional high bit and sample rate have allowed the sub to integrate seamlessly. Lowering the x-over point has moved the transition over an octave below the vocal range while the mid-high x-over is well above. Powered Sub strong down to 20HZ leaving all my amp [power for mids and highs. Perfect.
To sum it up this speaker was perfect for me and I am ordering a pair today. I am not sure what to drive it with and would like recommendations. I want a multi zone receiver with 7-9 amps (5 main and 1-2 remote zones) and a high quality decoding for surround sound. I am considering a Marantz? I am sure there are other options but so far have preferred the Marantz over the Pioneer, Dennon and Yamaha receivers.
I am sure I will get many comments and I look forward to your responses.

Just picked up the Triton 1 speakers. I originally heard them with an Exposure integrated amp w/ 110 wpc. I am building an HT system so I listened to the Marantz. I was interested in the 7009 but they only had the 5005 on display. I was very disappointed with the 5005. Very harsh in comparison and not as good on the low end. Would the 7009 be much better? We then tried the Cambridge Audio. I was interested in the 751 but they only had the 551 which was much better all around and closer to the Exposure. Extended bass and a smooth high end. I expect the 751 to be a little better. We then tried the newer Sony receiver. Good mids and highs but a definite lack of deep tight bass. On the extreme end we listened to a Mac preamp and a 300wpc Mac power amp. Very smooth and detailed. Warm deep bass. Very easy to listen to. Better than the Exposure or the Cambridge but I don't think I can justify the price.
There must be other receivers I should try. Please let me know any suggestions. Looking to stay within 2-4K range for a 7.1 system with amps. Let me know.