Sony DVD Dream System Measurements

HT Labs Measures: Sony DVD Dream System

This graph shows the quasi-anechoic (employing close-miking of all woofers) frequency response of the DVD Dream System's satellites (magenta trace) and subwoofer (green trace). All passive loudspeakers were measured at a distance of 1 meter with a 2.83-volt input and scaled for display purposes.

On-axis response of the satellites measures +/-4.5 decibels from 200 hertz to 10 kilohertz. The -3dB point is at 200 Hz, and the -6dB point is at 176 Hz.

Close-miked response of the subwoofer indicates that the lower -3dB point is at 64 Hz and the -6dB point is at 54 Hz. The upper -3dB point is at 85 Hz.

The left amplifier channel, driving a 4-ohm load, began clipping at 0.061% distortion and 7.1 watts. The amp reaches 0.1% distortion at 7.7 watts and 1% distortion at 10.8 watts. The amplifier's frequency response begins rising at 3.5 kHz, with a maximum boost of 1 dB at 18 kHz on the satellite channels.—AJ

DVD Dream System
(800) 222-SONY