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Michael Berk  |  Oct 02, 2012  | 

If you've been keeping up with our headphone coverage, you know that the S+V team can come down a little hard on celebrity-branded models - too often, the name attached means nothing more than price-inflating licensing fees paid for showing up at a few press appearances.

Michael Berk  |  Sep 24, 2012  | 

It's no secret that we're big fans of Oppo's line of universal players; in fact, we suggested last year that the company's BDP-93 would likely be the last disc player you'd ever need to buy.

Well, we were wrong. The just-announced BDP-103 ($499) and BDP-105 ($1,199) replace the BDP-93 and 95, and add enough new features to the enticing Oppo package that we just might have to rethink our position.

Michael Berk  |  Sep 20, 2012  | 

Another day, another dock - but wait. There's no dock on the new Phorus PS1 ($199). It's just a shelf. And the little Phorus PR1 ($149). That's no dock either. . .

 |  Sep 20, 2012  | 

Yesterday S+V got a peek at the long-awaited new Streaming Stick from Roku - and it turns out to be a lot more than just a Roku 2 XS in a tiny package.

John Sciacca  |  Sep 18, 2012  | 

Control. Having personally installed hundreds of systems in people’s homes, I can definitively say that at the end of the day, that’s what it all boils down to. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about a system for a dedicated theater, a bedroom, or even a simple home theater in a box. Having the ability to easily control that system is what sets the good apart from the bad.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Sep 10, 2012  | 

Almost lost between the 4K TV hoopla and the Control4 partnership, Sony announced a new 3D SXRD projector, the VPL-HW50ES.

There’s not a ton different than the slightly less expensive Sony VPL-HW30ES projector we reviewed, but probably enough to justify the higher price for some.

All the info we’ve got, after you clicky clicky…

Michelle McCarthy  |  Sep 07, 2012  | 
As home theater technology continues to advance and evolve, so must the accessories and accoutrements that add to the overall viewing experience. Whether you’re looking for more comfortable seating options, a better solution to hide your components, or a mount that can suit your family’s multiple needs, there are plenty of products out there to choose from. These 11 models represent a sampling of the latest and greatest home theater mounts, racks, chairs, and cabinets.
Michael Berk  |  Aug 29, 2012  | 

Logitech's 2008 acquisition of IEM leader Ultimate Ears was an interesting move given the ultra-high end and music professional orientation of the brand, and even more interesting is the fact that while the new Logitech UE lineup does include an IEM offering, the majority of the rebranded line lives outside the ear - and well outside it, in some cases.

Michael Berk  |  Aug 28, 2012  | 

We took a long listen to Klipsch's Image One on-ear headphone when it launched last year, and found them to be a highly competitive portable phone, especially when judged against the mic/remote-sporting on-ear competition of the time - most of which (like the Bowers &Wilkins P5) cost a lot more or (like the Beats Solo) simply didn't sound as good.

Michael Berk  |  Aug 27, 2012  | 

Yamaha's hi-fi headphones of years past have many devotees (my own first pair of good cans was the much-loved HP-1), and while the company's mainly been concentrating on lower-end models for some years now, they've gone upscale again with today's announcement of three new Pro models, the 300, 400, and 500, which hearken ba

Michael Berk  |  Aug 21, 2012  | 

Last week we told you about the refreshed Klipsch Image S4 in-ear-monitor lineup; this week the firm adds a new mid-priced model to the Image roster, the all-new Klipsch Image X7i ($199.99).

Michael Berk  |  Aug 15, 2012  | 

Last week we got a chance to check out the new stuff Klipsch has up its sleeve for Fall 2012, and while we'll have lots more to tell you about soon, the first product to get an official announcement is a refreshed version of the company's well-regarded affordable in-ear 'phone, the Klipsch Image S4. The lineup remains the same as before, with updates to the basic Image S4 ($79.99), as well as the Android-friendly S4A and the iOS-remote sporting S4i (both $99.99)

Michael Berk  |  Aug 08, 2012  | 

Last night we got a chance to check out the first product offerings from AudioXperts, a new lifestyle audio brand from a bunch of industry veterans, led by Eli Harary, formerly of Boston Acoustics and Infinity. The systems we heard were voiced by John Fischbach, Grammy-winning producer of projects from Stevie Wonder, Carole King, and Cassandra Wilson, to name just a few. Safe to say that the consumers AudioXperts has in mind should be well served on both the business and sonic fronts.

Michael Berk  |  Jul 19, 2012  | 

We came across the new iHome iP76 ($199) at the CEA Line Shows earlier this month, the glowing, pulsing, three-foot-tall tower speaker seemed like the kind of thing you might see nestled beside some fancy tobacco smoking gear.

Michael Berk  |  Jul 16, 2012  | 

Home theater equipment choice and setup. It's confusing, we know (and we do our best to help). But sometimes it's helpful to have a field guide at your fingertips, and luckily for all of us Rotel's just brought out the third edition of its Ultimate Insider's Guide to High Performance Home Theater, available directly from the company as a downloadable PDF for $19.95.
