Toshiba gets skinny, has triplets

Toshiba had two big announcements at the show. On the TV side, two new 1080p LCDs in their Regza line are sporting what they claim to be the thinnest bezel on the market, at 0.9 inches. As you can see in the pic, it is indeed very thin. Look for them this month for $1,900 for the 40RF350U and $2,500 for the 46RF350U.

On the HD DVD side, there are three new models. They are the HD-A3 ($300 coming out in October), the HD-A30 ($400, this month, and the HD-A35 ($500, also in October). The A3 is 1080i, while the others can do 1080p/24.

The beloved HD-XA2 continues in the lineup, and even better gets firmware updates to output 1080p/24 and the bitstream versions of the new audio formats.

More pics after the jump.