Sony's New Sets

Just a quick update today, as this is the only day this week I’m in the office. Here’s some hi-rez images of the new TVs Sony announced at the show .

Parvath's picture

Panasonic announced their new series 9 ... any news of when it will be avaliable for buying... or more importantly when will we get you expert reviews on the new set.

Robert Cralle's picture about...when will the the new panels in this set be put into their VPL-HS51 series. THAT would be some investigative journalism.

Bearhug's picture

Dude I found a link to sonys website with all the stuff that they are releaseing this year and it makes me want to spend money.

Geoffrey Morrison's picture

I haven

Anonymous's picture

ascended wither mediocre:Italianize logician superintendent.constructible!streamers,