Custom Installation How-To

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Kim Wilson  |  Sep 04, 2009  | 

For the price of other stand-alone Blu-ray players, it only makes sense to invest in Samsung's BD-P3600, which integrates streaming technology providing you a lot more bang for the buck. Streaming movies, TV, music and other content is without question the wave of the future,,,and the wave is only gathering up more water as a variety of new AV products are partnering with content providers.

Kim Wilson  |  Sep 03, 2009  | 

Apple's iPhone and iTouch have certainly been game changers when it comes to touch screen control. Logitech has updated their Squeezebox WiFi music player with a color touch screen and called it the Squeezebox Touch. Of course, there is much more to this new model than just a fancy screen.

John Sciacca  |  Aug 27, 2009  | 
The Short Form
$999 ($1,078 as tested) /
Kim Wilson  |  Aug 26, 2009  | 

What do you spec as a projector in this beautiful Greenwich, CT. home when you have 18 video sources as diverse as X-box and Blu-ray? Well, Opus AVC of North Haven, Connecticut discovered that just one is not enough.

David Goldberg  |  Aug 21, 2009  | 

I love the wow factor of themed home theaters and it was the love of old science fiction films and the <i>Steampunk</i> genre that prompted me to design my theater like the <i>Nautilus</i> from Disney’s classic 1954 film, <i>20,000 Leagues Under the Sea</i>. Rather than try to duplicate any one particular room of the submarine, details and influences from the entire boat were combined to create this one-of-a-kind theater.

Kim Wilson  |  Aug 18, 2009  | 

In celebration of 60 years developing some of the highest quality sound reproduction products in the world, McIntosh releases the MXA60 Executive System, the company's first standalone integrated audio system.

Kim Wilson  |  Aug 18, 2009  | 

A cost-effective alternative to touch screen controllers are universal remotes. The Harmony Remote 900 by Logitech uses advanced RF technology to operate all your AV devices up to 100 feet away without the need for RF emitters attached to each device. Instead, the Harmony 900 uses a single IR blaster and one or two mini blasters on the cabinet shelves of your entertainment center.

Kim Wilson  |  Aug 07, 2009  | 

Runco. always know for their premier video displays. has added multiple new 1080p plasma monitors to its line of high-end video display solutions. The five new CinemaWall and PlasmaWall displays are the world's first to feature Runco's exclusive OPAL (Optical Path ALignment) technology. While other manufacturer's seem to be abandoning plasma TV, Runco is enhancing its performance to exceed anything currently available.

Kim Wilson  |  Aug 07, 2009  | 

Digeo, makers of the Moxi HD-DVR set-top box (only available to digital cable subscribers) has released the Moxi Mate, as a companion piece. The Moxi Mate enables multi-room access to video content from a connected Moxi HD-DVR as well as PCs and other devices connected on a wired or wireless in-home network. The unit will carry an MSRP of $399, though for a limited time you can purchase it for $199.

Kim Wilson  |  Aug 07, 2009  | 

As flat panel TV's get even thinner, speaker manufacturers are working overtime to supply soundbars, the latest speaker craze, that will unobtrusively sit underneath these newer sets, The latest entry is Leon Speakers with their Horizon 212, designed expressly for the newest ultra-thin TVs. Available in an enclosure that is only 1.5" deep and 3.25" high, the L/C/R speaker features dual 2" Peerless woofers surrounding a 1" Morel cloth dome tweeter for each channel. The Left and Right channels are rated at 60-watts RMS (@8 ohms) while the center channel is rated at 90 watts RMS (@6 ohms). The Horizon can be flush mounted directly to the wall or with the use of the Leon Under Mount bracket, the speaker can be mounted to any articulating wall bracket.

Erik Pancyck  |  Aug 04, 2009  | 

When constructing a home theater, the first thing I recommend is cooperation from your spouse. She had (and still does) complete veto power over every single decision that went into the development of this theater. I first had to convince her to turn a spare bedroom in our brand new townhouse into a dedicated home theater. However, what probably took more persuasion was convincing her of the importance to paint the room an unusually dark color such as charcoal grey with black trim. Or painting the connecting hallway Hollywood red, or the third bathroom metallic gold. Of course, the idea of having "exit" signs all about and life size busts of pretty ugly Hollywood characters took some hard selling, too.

Kim Wilson  |  Aug 04, 2009  | 

Bay Audio's HomeBase Sub makes sure that sound by the poolside is just as robust and detailed as your in-home sound system. The underground HomeBase sub is rated down to 24Hz, providing concert-level bass with an output up to 90db at 100 feet away.

Kim Wilson Photography:Kim Christie  |  Jul 31, 2009  | 

When it was time for this homeowner to have their third home fitted with electronics they returned to Audio Video Design (AVD) of Newton, MA. After going through the design process two other times, they had a very clear vision of what they desired. Quality installation was, of course, the top priority. However, they wanted the most cost effective, state-of-the-art solutions but not necessarily the most cutting edge products.

Kim Wilson  |  Jul 30, 2009  | 

Well known as a leading manufacturer of high-end electronics, Anthem has jumped into the business of high definition projectors with two high-performance three-panel 1920 x 1080p LCOS projectors, the LTX300 and LTX500. According to Jack Shafton, Anthem's Vice President of Sales and Marketing, "<I>The video playback capabilities of the LTX projectors mesh perfectly with the industry-leading A/V processing available on our Anthem Statement D2v and AVM 50v. Our dealers can now offer a high-performance, turnkey video and A/V control solution to their customers</I>.”

Craig Dickerhoff Photography: Richard Boese  |  Jul 30, 2009  | 
While this theater was my dream, the 7-year project required the support and occasional manual labor from my wife, daughters, son-in-law and a couple of friends. I did consult with Roy Johnson of Green Mountain Audio a few times and want to thank him for his insights.
