Mitsubishi WS-55859 55-Inch HDTV HT Labs Measures

HT Labs Measures: Mitsubishi WS-55859 55-Inch HDTV

The top chart shows the gray scale of the Mitsubishi WS-55859 relative to its color temperature at various levels of intensity, or brightness (20 IRE is dark gray; 95 IRE is bright white). As you can see, the gray scale as set by the factory, in the most accurate menu setting, measures low (red) with dark images and leans toward blue with brighter images, but it stays relatively close to the industry-standard color temperature of D6500 Kelvin. After making adjustments using the Photo Research PR-650, the gray scale measures within 150 K of D6500 across most of the range. The bottom chart shows the gray scale (or color temperature) relative to the color points of the display's red, green, and blue CRTs. The color points exceed those specified by SMPTE, which means that the display will accurately reproduce all of the colors available in the system. The gray scale is slightly erratic before calibration, but it does stay close to the center of the triangle, which is good. After calibration, the gray-scale variance is much tighter. The light output was approximately 18 foot-lamberts, measured with a 15-percent-white window. This level dropped very little on a full-white window when kept within reasonable limits, indicating a strong power supply. The WS-55859 has a reasonably accurate color decoder as set by the factory. A qualified technician can improve this and can disable scan velocity modulation, which eliminates some ringing and improves fine detail at the expense of perceived sharpness.—MW

WS-55859 55-Inch HDTV
Dealer Locator Code MSU
(800) 332-2119