"It's some guy named Proust on the line"

We can describe all the colors in the universe, well, at least the colors of Fox, Disney, MGM, Warner Brothers and Universal, with but three primary colors: red, green and blue. That's how our projectors do it. Blind people have been asked to describe the colors they've never seen, and I think they need a lot of words to accomplish what three tint filters and a gain control can do. I hope they're not reading this. That last could be deemed offensive.

Enter the inventors.

A cell phone – yes, a cell phone – that might someday capture smells and "send" the scent to the person on the other end of the call. Or you can save it and "play it" for yourself at a later time. So far, they're vying for medical uses ("hey, does this smell gangrenous to you?") and envious chefs ("I vill ree-create zis vonderful sauce vhen I getz backs to my kitchen and take off zis stupid disguise!") to make it succeed. But I'm sure it will be the teenage boy demographic that drives the industry in the end.

No pun intended.

Unlike the three colors you need for a painting, you need 96 manmade chemicals mixed in various proportions to get all the scents. I've smelled some pretty weird stuff though, so let's just call it an even 100 to take into account taco night at the bowling lanes. The phone idea is nice. Great start for a new technology, but can you imagine the home theater of 2020?

"Hey, pass the popcorn."

"What popcorn? I don't have any popcorn – it's their popcorn!"

"Hope it doesn't give them gas."