SV Staff  |  Jul 31, 2007  |  0 comments
That's right, if you've been waiting to play that multichannel Tapestry in the car, now you can finally do it. A full six years after the dawn of surround SACDs, Sony has introduced the first car SACD player, the MEX-DV2000 (above, $280). I...
Mark Fleischmann  |  Jul 31, 2007  |  0 comments
TiVo HD isn't the first high-def-capable or digital cable ready product from the world's winningest DVR brand. That would be the Series3. But the new model is the first HD-capable TiVo to sell for $299.
Jeff Perlah  |  Jul 30, 2007  |  0 comments
Finding Forever Geffen
Music •••• Sound ••••
Common's 2005 album, Be - which garnered four Grammy nominations and plenty of g
SV Staff  |  Jul 30, 2007  |  0 comments
"He better stop doing that blues shit." So sneered a fairly svelte brunette seated in front of me during the classic-rock two-fer show I saw at PNC in NJ this past Friday (7/27): the Doobie Brothers and the Steve Miller Band. In this case, "he"...
SV Staff  |  Jul 30, 2007  |  0 comments
Liv Ullmann, Julia Dufvenius, and Ingmar Bergman during the shooting of Saraband "No form of art goes beyond ordinary consciousness as film does, straight to our emotions, deep into the twilight room of the soul."— Ingmar Bergman14...
Thomas J. Norton  |  Jul 30, 2007  |  1 comments

We've been, and continue to be, big supporters of getting a video display properly calibrated. We do it in our reviews because it shows us best that a set is capable of. Just as significant is the fact that if you just present only the out-of-box result in a review, you're trying to hit a moving target. Different samples will differ, perhaps significantly, because manufacturers can't perform anything more than a rough setup on the production line. The average consumer won't notice the difference in the store, and it takes too long (and costs too much) to perform a tight calibration for everyone just to satisfy the discerning customer.

SV Staff  |  Jul 30, 2007  |  0 comments
Good news, bad news . . . It's a safe bet that you've heard about this in general already, since the story broke on Friday. (That's what I get for taking the day off! See complete press release below.) But the big news is that Led Zeppelin's...
Geoffrey Morrison  |  Jul 30, 2007  |  0 comments
Blur? What blur?

It has come to my attention that some of you out there feel that I am, for some reason, biased against LCDs. I would like to apologize. I am sorry for pointing out poor black levels, inaccurate color, horrendous viewing angles, mediocre contrast ratios, and, above all else, motion blur. Yep, my bad.

Steve Guttenberg  |  Jul 30, 2007  |  0 comments
Supersize me.

When it comes to TVs and speakers, bigger is most definitely better. Smaller models can be perfectly acceptable, and, in small rooms, they're a necessity. But, if you have the space, you can't beat a large screen matched with a set of heavyweight speakers and subwoofers. The appeals of big-screen video and high-end audio are not so different; both deliver incredible scale, clarity, lifelike depth, and a more emotional experience. The only downside to a big system is that, once you get used to living with it, there's no going back; a 30-inch TV and pint-sized speakers won't get your mojo working ever again.

Chris Chiarella  |  Jul 30, 2007  |  0 comments
Own an HDTV? Well, get ready for the age of ATV.

Let's recap: Al Gore created the Internet, and, on the seventh day, he rested. Immediately, entrepreneurs began selling pornography, and the World Wide Web had a purpose. Before long, people started posting videos of their dogs belching the national anthem, and, yet, an entertainment-hungry globe craved more. A bunch of other stuff happened, and now Apple has been selling songs, music videos, TV episodes, and feature-length movies via the iTunes Store,embedded in the free iTunes application for Mac and PC. While digital-rights management protects purchased video and audio (although this may be changing), you can enjoy it at the computer and upload it to various iPod portable devices. Still, a growing contingent yearns to relocate its premium content to the comfort of the living room with due ease and elegance.
