2012 Editors’ Choice Awards Page 4


Panasonic TC-55VT50 plasma TV

(October 2012)

Video Product of the Year

Panasonic’s plasma TVs are no stranger to the EC awards: Looking back through the years, a Panny model pops up in almost every awards issue we’ve put out. This year’s TC-P55VT50 is not only just as worthy as its predecessors, in some ways it exceeds them.

To recap the VT50’s feature list, it’s THX 3D certified, has a 96 Hz display mode for 24 fps content, built-in Wi-Fi, and plenty of media-streaming apps. But none of those are the reason why you’d want a VT50. You’d buy it for its stunning native contrast, which Geoff Morrison called “vastly better...than any LCD or plasma in recent memory.” Geoff also remarked on its “near-perfect color accuracy,” which lent “lifelike realism to all content.”

About the only thing Geoff didn’t completely love about the VT50 was its 3D picture, which was marred by some crosstalk, but otherwise “excellent.” Still, the last line of his review pretty much seals the deal: “While $2,500 isn’t cheap for a 55-inch TV these days, those looking for the ultimate in picture quality need look no further.”
