Michael Berk

Michael Berk  |  Dec 15, 2011

Interested in testing the wireless whole-home audio waters but want to do so with an absolute minimum of fuss? The latest version of the Home Audio Link (HAL, for short) from Aperion Audio will probably fit your needs just fine.

Consisting of a pair of puckish little rubbery objects with retractable USB tails (replacing the little blocks that made up HAL 1), the system lets you stream uncompressed digital audio (up to 16-bit/48-kHz resolution) from one place to another, simply and inexpensively.

What's not to love?

Michael Berk  |  Dec 14, 2011

Cable cutting. You've probably begun the process already, even if you haven't gone all the way - think about how often you turn to Netflix, or Amazon, or Hulu Plus. And despite the panicked efforts of networks and providers nationwide, when are you watching live TV, exactly, aside from sports?

Michael Berk  |  Dec 09, 2011

Volume-limiting earbud outfit dBLogic introduced an interesting little product this past year: a miniature SPL meter ($49.95, dblogic.com), suitable for hanging on a keychain.

Michael Berk  |  Dec 08, 2011

Does the iPad have a role to play for audiophiles, or for the new breed of iDevice-inspired audio enthusiasts? It's hard to beat the touchscreen interface for music listening - it provides a tactile browsing experience that hands-down beats the UIs on most high-zoot audiophile servers. On the desktop there are plenty of audiophile file players that load audio into RAM for supposedly improved fidelity - but the iPad offers all-solid-state audio storage to begin with, freeing your bits from jitter-inducing hard-drive-access. But is iOS - and the circuitry within - up to snuff?

Michael Berk  |  Dec 05, 2011

We told you a few weeks back about Altec-Lansing's latest venture, a foray into the high-end in-ear monitor market. We're planning to give the new A-Series a spin as soon as we can - but it's not so simple a procedure as just bringing in a review unit.

Michael Berk  |  Dec 01, 2011

Love radio? Tired of Internet radio's algorithmic bent, and long for the days when a flesh and blood DJ put a lifetime of obsession into picking that next track? Slacker Radio just might be what you're looking for.

Michael Berk  |  Nov 21, 2011

HTC's Rezound, which made its way out to consumers last week from Verizon, is the first US phone to get the full Beats Audio treatment, the specifics of which have been hazy 'til the release of this very device. So has HTC's substantial investment in Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine's headphone juggernaut paid off?

Michael Berk  |  Nov 21, 2011

Neither bullets or corporate disputes can stop 50 Cent, it turns out.

Michael Berk  |  Nov 17, 2011

Since returning to independence under the leadership of founder Chris Byrne in 2007, NHT has moved on from its DSP-focused experimental phase (which resulted in interesting products like the Xd), emphasizing straightforward, high-quality, reasonably priced speakers.
