Michael Trei

Michael Trei  |  Feb 07, 2008
Boston acoustics goes designer 00690283471606 Boston HS60 If you study the demographics of those of us who really value high-quality audio gear, a frightening trend soon becomes clear: The audiophile population is
Michael Trei  |  Feb 02, 2008

The video-tech evolution has been swift and in-your-face. From the square little black-and-white picture tube, we went to "in living color," rear projection, and the flat-ering DLP, plasma, LCD, and OLED. And on these displays we've watched broadcast, cable, VHS, Laserdisc, DVD, Blu-ray, and HD DVD (and the occasional porno - okay, that's neither here nor there).

Michael Trei  |  Jan 05, 2008
Mitsubishi LT-46144 46-inch LCD HDTV full review LT-46144 Mitsubishi LT-46133 Go shopping for a new TV at your local Best Buy or Costco, and you'll soon realize that making an accurate in-store assessment of pi
Michael Trei  |  Dec 05, 2007
Yamaha RX-V1800 A/V receiver 27108928463 Yamaha RX-V1800 Designing a new A/V receiver must feel a bit like trying to hit the ducks at a carnival shooting gallery as they zip across your line of fire.
Michael Trei  |  Nov 02, 2007

the listMost of us are familiar with the old saying that children should be seen and not heard. How might we apply similar thinking to loudspeakers? Just the word loudspeaker suggests something that needs to be heard clearly.

Michael Trei  |  Oct 01, 2007

In some ways, selling speakers is a bit like selling men's suits. Sure, you need to keep plenty of choices on hand so you can cater to a wide range of tastes and budgets. But you don't want to get stuck with a bunch of items in, say, mauve, which you're going to stay stuck with for years.

Michael Trei  |  Jul 04, 2007

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Michael Trei  |  Jul 04, 2007

Placement. First, don't locate the turntable on a surface or in a cabinet that also supports loudspeakers, or in the acoustic peak of a room mode, as nothing will screw up your sound more than feeding energy back into the turntable.
