Michael Trei

Michael Trei  |  Dec 10, 2010
Ask any audiophile to recommend a decent home-theater-in-a-box (HTiB), and you'll probably get the same kind of vacant stare as from a wine snob who's been asked to name his favorite brand of boxed wine. Although a ready-to-roll system like Panasonic's SC-BT730 may not get an enthusiast's heart racing, it can be a great solution for an average person who wants good performance with a minimum of fuss. Simply add an HDTV to the mix and you'll be ready to go.

Michael Trei  |  Nov 11, 2010
Key Features
$6,875 (as tested) magnepan.com
• MMC 2 on-wall speaker ($1,995/pair): 36 x 4-in quasi-ribbon midrange; 36 x 2-in quasi-ribbon tweeter, 36 x ¼-in quasi-ribbon supertweeter; 50 x 10¼ x 1 in; 13 lb
Michael Trei  |  Aug 09, 2010

With its enviable reputation for creating speakers that push the technological envelope, you might expect a company like B&W to burst on to the headphone market with an all-out effort that aims to rewrite the rulebook.

Michael Trei  |  Jun 25, 2010

Ever since TVs morphed into something we can hang on the wall like a picture, the tolerance for speakers that take up as much space as regular furniture has gone the way of the Mediterranean-style walnut console.

Michael Trei  |  Jun 25, 2010


Audio gear is now expected to be just as slim as flat-panel HDTVs, and for many people this means buying a soundbar and maybe a subwoofer rather than a cumbersome six- or eight-box speaker package.

Michael Trei  |  Apr 23, 2010

Connecting and configuring a home theater rig can be pretty daunting. Just one quick glance at those long rows of connectors covering the back panel on most A/V receivers is enough to scare away many potential buyers.
