It’s that time of year to make resolutions. How about for this year, we aim to be better A/V enthusiasts and put some of last year’s exclusionary nastiness behind us.
One of the fun parts of this job is that we get to check out all sorts of weird and wonderful gear. Most of the time, things that seem crazy, are crazy. But every so often, something crazy is actually crazy good. These are the things that fit into that latter category.
So here are the top gifts we’d love to give this holiday season… if we only knew someone who we could give them to.
I wasn’t a big fan of 3 to be honest. I got bored quickly, not least from the brown-on-brown aesthetic.
I wasn’t even planning on getting 4 until I saw the trailer. OK, it looked pretty awesome. And blowing up irradiated monsters in my old home town had to be at least a little fun. Right?
There is no studio in the history of cinema that has a track record like Pixar. Nearly every one of their movies is at least great, most are awesome, and very few are below average (ahem, Cars 2).
I got to see a sneak preview early this week at the gorgeous El Capitan in Hollywood. Here are some thoughts on both those things.
There was no game releasing in 2015 I was more excited about than Star Wars Battlefront. The trailers looked amazing, it was built on a solid and known engine, and really, how do you screw up a Star Wars game where you get to attack AT-ATs on Hoth?