Geoffrey Morrison

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Dec 23, 2016  |  Published: Dec 22, 2016
A few weeks ago I waxed ecstatic about Creeper World 3, one of the most clever and addicting games I’ve ever played.

Particle Fleet: Emergence is a similar game set in the same universe. The big difference is instead of being on the ground building a base, you’re in space with a fleet. Even cooler, you can build your own ships.

Here’s how it is.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Dec 10, 2016
I am so sorry. So, so sorry. I’m going to tell you about this game and you’re going to hate me for it.

Say goodbye to your free time. This is the most addictive game I’ve ever played (and no, you don’t need to have played the other two games, I didn’t).

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Dec 02, 2016
It’s a little weird reviewing a Civ game, since pretty much everyone who would like it already knows about it, and has probably already bought it.

So this is a review for the rest of us. People who aren’t familiar with the Civ series, and perhaps think it’s not something they’d enjoy.

I say “we” because I’m not a big turn-based strategy fan. But I am a fan of a fun and addictive game, and this is definitely that.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Nov 27, 2016
The Hitman video game series received a bit of a re-tweaking this year, with a new game split among six “episodes” released throughout the year.

All six have been released so I figured it was time to take a look.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Nov 22, 2016
I had an idea. In hindsight, a really bad idea. I thought it would be cool to rewatch all 13 Star Trek movies, in order, and rank them...
Geoffrey Morrison  |  Nov 19, 2016
At last, not-Top Gear has finally arrived. But has the magic made the transition to the Web?
Geoffrey Morrison  |  Nov 12, 2016
Battlefield is easily my favorite video game series. I think I’ve played every variation.

So keep that in mind when I say, this might be the best yet.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Oct 15, 2016
One of my favorite bands of all time is Buffalo Tom. The main voice behind them, literally and figuratively, is Bill Janovitz. While BT still releases albums (all too infrequently), Janovitz keeps himself busy with other projects (like the excellentFireworks on TV! and Walt Whitman Mall).

Janovitz’s latest project is The Needy Sons, a four-piece with Mike Gent, Ed Valauskas, and Eric Anderson. They released an EP last year, and have finally put out a full length album.

I am enjoying it greatly. Here’s why.

Geoffrey Morrison  |  Sep 09, 2016
This week marked the 50th anniversary of the premiere of Star Trek on TV. While logically this should have resulted in a “best episodes!” type post… I haven’t seen every episode of the original series. I’m of the Next Generation generation. And since that anniversary isn’t for another 2 weeks (29 years!), I figured we could talk about the movies.

Because I love the movies. Well most of them. OK some of them. Here’s my favorites from beloved to almost-despised. Feel free to list yours in the comments.
