Out Of The Blu

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Chris Chiarella  |  Oct 26, 2012  | 
In honor of a certain scary holiday, we present an assortment of new Blu's intended to quicken your pulse in more ways than one.
Chris Chiarella  |  Apr 20, 2012  | 
This year's Oscars no doubt hastened the Blu-ray release of the exceptional original Tinker, while ABC's centennial-timed Titanic approaches the familiar tale from a fresh perspective. And who doesn't love an inspired horror movie?
Chris Chiarella  |  Oct 14, 2012  | 
The Criterion Collection has been reissuing some real gems lately, from a hard-to-find recent thriller to a French classic to a delicious black comedy.
Chris Chiarella  |  May 18, 2013  | 
It's World War II as you've never seen it before, while The Man of Steel pays us Earthlings an early visit and a drifter runs the risk of developing roots.
