Mike Wood  |  Sep 01, 2003  |  0 comments
LCD bulks up and stays thin at the same time.

Getting big is easy. Just lift weights and eat as much as you can. Losing weight is a little harder: less food, more exercise. The trick is adding muscle mass without adding excess fat. Serious fitness competitors endure grueling weight-lifting workouts and major cardio routines, and they eat frequent low-fat, low-calorie meals to bulk up and stay lean. Sharp has accomplished this same trick with their AQUOS LCD display line without the expensive gym membership.

Montgomery Ingham  |  Sep 01, 2003  |  0 comments
Baseball slugger Mark McGwire's home theater has a backbone of performance, reliability, and ease of use.

Few Americans can forget the images of September 8, 1998, when St. Louis Cardinals first baseman Mark McGwire slammed the magic number 62 homer that made him Major League Baseball's single-season home-run record breaker. Now retired from baseball, McGwire spends his well-earned time off with his family, golfing, and of course enjoying his wholehouse entertainment system. In 1997, McGwire teamed up with home entertainment integrator Sean S. Fields, president of Audio/Video Entertainment, and they've been on a winning streak ever since.

HT Staff  |  Aug 28, 2003  |  0 comments
Televised gridiron realism will move up a level this season. More college and professional football games will be broadcast in Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound, according to an August 28 announcement from San Francisco-based Dolby Laboratories.
SV Staff  |  Aug 27, 2003  |  0 comments
PanasonicIt's a tough call: do you want a hard-drive video recorder so you can save TV shows without disc clutter, or a DVD recorder so you can keep your recordings forever? Panasonic's DMR-E80H gives you both options in a single package.
Peter Pachal  |  Aug 27, 2003  |  0 comments

Photo by Tony Cordoza In the future, people won't have to worry about speakers for their TVs. At least that's the message from most Hollywood filmmakers, who invariably depict future TVs as super-sharp wall-size screens with audio that comes out of thin air.

HT Staff  |  Aug 27, 2003  |  0 comments
DVD-RAM recorders are among the wave of new products that promise to revolutionize the way consumers interact with video content.
 |  Aug 25, 2003  |  First Published: Aug 26, 2003  |  0 comments

<A HREF=>TiVo</A> may be this year's hot ticket.

Barry Willis  |  Aug 25, 2003  |  First Published: Aug 26, 2003  |  0 comments

Video-on-Demand (VOD), long one of the cable industry's holy grails, is increasingly becoming a reality.

Barry Willis  |  Aug 25, 2003  |  First Published: Aug 26, 2003  |  0 comments

One of the electronics industry's dirty little secrets is that plasma display panels (PDPs) can exhibit all kinds of problems at higher altitudes. Home theater fans in places like Vail, CO (altitude 8500') have been plagued by buzzing noises and other strange behaviors when trying to enjoy films or television programs on PDPs.

Al Griffin  |  Aug 24, 2003  |  0 comments
Photos by Tony Cordoza You've got to give credit to the guy who invented the six-pack. What a concept: six bottles, all strapped together in a bundle that can be easily toted from your local 7-11 to your fridge. Although not as portable as a bunch of brewskis, many home theater speaker systems adhere to a similar model.
