John Higgins  |  Jan 10, 2007  |  First Published: Jan 11, 2007  |  2 comments
Ever want to show someone the barrel of the wave you just caught? GoPro’s Digital Hero 3 allows you to do just that. The 4.5 ounce, waterproof camera straps to your wrist and takes 3-megapixel photos as well as up to 54 minutes of 30 frame per second video. You just need to get used to having a camera strapped to your wrist. It’s available beginning of February for $140.
Shane Buettner  |  Jan 10, 2007  |  First Published: Jan 11, 2007  |  0 comments

It's been confirmed that LG's Multi Blue player won't include a full implementation of HD DVD's HDi interactivity layer. More than one source stated that because of this the player won't receive full endorsement from the HD DVD Group and won't bear an HD DVD logo. It was also related to me that this is not an issue with the Broadcom integrated circuit solution, but rather a conscious choice by LG that HDi is not a critical feature.

Randy Tomlinson  |  Jan 10, 2007  |  First Published: Jan 11, 2007  |  0 comments

This is a view of the box the fan subwoofer requires. It could actually be mounted in a hole in the wall between two rooms if it weren’t for the fan noise. The box you see is a fiberglass-lined labyrinth inside, mostly needed to eliminate the whirring sound. The actual infinite baffle enclosure behind the fan is the second room itself, not the box. The box fits up against the wall and its opening into the listening room looks like a large air-conditioning grille. The fan subwoofer moves so much air that ET kept the windows open in the enclosure room to prevent any kind of restriction. How low will it really go? ET had a precision real-time analyzer showing absolutely no rolloff down to near DC! 10-20 Hz effects in film soundtracks were spectacular!

Randy Tomlinson  |  Jan 10, 2007  |  First Published: Jan 11, 2007  |  0 comments

And now for something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. How about an electric fan subwoofer? Sound far-fetched? Well, here it is from Eminent Technology’s Bruce Thigpen. How does it work? The motor spins the fan at 1000 rpm. The blades are flat with no signal and do nothing. Fast rotation causes them to couple to the air far more efficiently than a cone. The angle of the blades themselves is changed according to the signal by a 15” woofer magnet and voice coil causing them to quickly blow one direction then the other as the voice coil, attached with a mechanical linkage, directs. With a DC input, it makes an excellent $12,900 fan. The result is a transducer capable of response flat from 25 Hz down to 1 Hz at earthquake levels (over 110 db) even with a 200-watt amplifier and with decreasing distortion as frequency drops. After hearing this invention with several film soundtracks I think I can safely say that it has truly gone where no speaker has ever gone before, and with plaster cracking force!

Al Griffin  |  Jan 10, 2007  |  0 comments
Samsung HP-T5084 50-inch 1080p plasma HDTV

January 11, 2007 - Many aspects of the hi-def television biz on display at CES are downright predictable: Screens get bigger, prices go lower, and prototypes that may or ma

John Sciacca  |  Jan 10, 2007  |  0 comments

John Sciacca  |  Jan 10, 2007  |  0 comments

Michael Antonoff  |  Jan 10, 2007  |  0 comments

John Sciacca  |  Jan 10, 2007  |  0 comments

January 11, 2007 - Modern A/V systems are so complex, it's easy to miss a setting and end up with an experience that is less than ideal. Setting aspect ratio is a perfect example.
