Fred Manteghian

Fred Manteghian  |  Jun 01, 2009  |  0 comments

Ever since its launch in 1996, Revel has pursued a no-compromise approach to speaker design and manufacturing. Of course, it doesn't hurt that the brand is part of megaconglomerate Harman International, which boasts some of the best speaker-development facilities in the world. For example, Revel engineers have access to multiple anechoic chambers and Harman's Multichannel Listening Lab that allows blind-listening tests, shuffling several speakers around for each test run so the effect of their positions in the room is randomized and thus prevented from affecting the results.

Fred Manteghian  |  May 26, 2009  |  0 comments

Build Quality
Price: $45,993 (reviewed with B15a subwoofer, which has been discontinued)
At A Glance: Seductively powerful bass, with or without the sub • Complex midrange timbre • Depth and imaging maestro • What movie theaters should sound like

The Finest Money Can Build

I first heard Revel speakers many years ago at CES when they burst on the scene. The curiously modest-looking original Gem speakers were sitting behind their designer Kevin Voecks as he introduced them. Then he fired up an exquisitely calibrated 9-inch CRT projector. I remember this as the exact moment when I decided, by hook or by crook, there would be a front projector in my house someday. Such is the influence of great sound accompanying good video. All of this introduction is my way of saying that the Revel system here is once again best of show in my book.

Fred Manteghian  |  May 13, 2009  |  3 comments

Up until some dreadful time today, Connecticut radio station 104.1 played new alternate rock music and did it very well. Not enough of a market to justify formulaic shock-jocks, the former owner, the great, the diseased, the much-maligned Clear Channel radio conglomerate ran 104 WURH like a great indie radio station. No live DJ's, in fact, the few radio breaks they took between songs mostly made fun of the other stations (many of whom they owned). WURH was where I could hear the Killers, the Kings of Leon, Cage the Elephant and a bunch of stuff I didn't care for either, but it was all new for the most part and who isn't at least a little sick of classic rock at this point! Once a week, they played an oldie like that dreadful Four Non-Blondes song whose title I paid a hypnotist to make me forget, but for the most part, radio 104 was always fresh!

Fred Manteghian  |  Apr 19, 2009  |  1 comments

I spend a lot of time in earphones, or should I say, they spend a lot of time in me. I've been on a lose-weight-slash-get-healthy kick for about nine months now. The dead of winter found me hardwired to what would otherwise be the mindless machinations of an elliptical machine that even a hamster would eventually find boring were it not for an iPod (for me, not sure how the hamster would feel). Now that the New England spring has sprung, I can get back to the more exhilarating activity of running America's roadways while under the influence of endorphins and my own personal soundtrack. I know running under the influence (of music) sounds dangerous as you forge ahead against traffic, but I've only been car tagged five times in hundreds of miles of jogging, and to be fair, two of those incidents were probably my fault.

Fred Manteghian  |  Apr 19, 2009  |  4 comments

The Black Crowes, <I>$hake Your Money Maker</I> (LP, DEF American Records, 1990), picked up during my first trip to Las Vegas in a used record store on Sahara. Even 20 years ago, The Black Crowes were doing what bands like the Rolling Stones seemed incapable of anymore. This hard-driving rock has no missteps and no end to the catchy tunes. Singer Chris Robinson's distinctive gravelly voice, a cross between Rod Stewart and Mick Jagger, gets stellar backup from the two guitars, bass and drum line-up that's as tight as it is raw.

Fred Manteghian  |  Mar 29, 2009  |  1 comments

The company that started life as <i>Now Hear This</i>, but later decided to go with their acronym, has <a href="" target="new">decided to cease business </a>as they've known it, effective this coming Tuesday, March 31, 2009. I first became aware of NHT when Corey Greenburg put them on the map in the mid nineties in his <a href="" target="new">Beavis and Butthead tinged review</a>. I had a pair of towers from them, the 2.5, and loved them to death for a while. Lots of "there there" as they used to say.

Fred Manteghian  |  Mar 22, 2009  |  1 comments

If you look real close, you can see Capt. James T. Kirk sitting in his command chair. The <a href="" target="new">Radio Shack Indoor VHF/UHF/HDTV Antenna with RF Remote Control</a> may not be able to pick up intergalactic transmissions, but it does a decent, if somewhat mixed job, with HDTV signals. In one case, it reached out over twenty miles to pull in a full-time digital <a href="" Target="new">"multi-cultural shopping"</a> station (so now you can not only buy things you don't need, you can buy them in languages you don't understand). But what wasn't so impressive was its inability to pull in the closest tower, a mere 8 miles away, in anything but analog (and miserable looking analog at that!).

Fred Manteghian  |  Mar 12, 2009  |  2 comments

Because we're about to become a socialist-driven economy where the majority of the population pay no taxes themselves yet demand the minority do so in their stead, I thought it would be a good time for one last economics lesson about capitalism. In particular, the law of supply and demand and in super-particular, the case of the Pioneer Kuro plasma supply chain either drying up or giving the appearance of drying up which, as every good oil executive knows, is practically the same thing!

Fred Manteghian  |  Mar 02, 2009  |  0 comments
Price: $3,769 At A Glance: Three-way center for superior dialogue intelligibility • Awesome room-filling surrounds • Classy good looks

Life’s Too Short for Bad Shoes

Buy a pair of shoes online that don’t fit quite right, and it’s easy enough to box them back up for the round-trip refund. You wouldn’t think you could say the same about a 70-pound speaker like the Aperion Intimus 6T, but mailorder company Aperion Audio makes it almost as easy. The Portland, Oregon–based company manufactures in China and purports to pass the savings on to you. Aperion wants you to be 100-percent satisfied, so it gives you 30 days to try the speakers at home. The company will even pick up shipping costs both ways if you decide not to keep the speakers. So even if you can’t go to a store to listen to them, Aperion speakers are a no-risk purchase. Still, six boxes full of speakers worth almost $4,000 is hardly an impulse buy like a $39 pair of Converse All Star Sailor Jerry high tops on eBay, so listen up.

Fred Manteghian  |  Feb 23, 2009  |  8 comments

First of all, I think TV is better than movies. Anybody can write a movie script. You need about sixty minutes of material for a two hour movie, and you're done. TV on the other hand, is judged every single week, every single episode, on how well they've woven their pack of lies. It takes a lot of talent to keep a TV series going (<i>Saturday Night Live</i> excepted).
