Rebecca Day

Rebecca Day  |  Dec 05, 2007

New school of thought: You're only as "green" as your plasma. And by "green," we're not talking about how accurately your flat-panel generates that primary color. We're saying maybe you should look into just how eco-responsible your consumer-electronics-makers are.

Rebecca Day  |  Oct 16, 2007  |  Published: Sep 17, 2007
Bringing ReplayTV to the next frontier.

The company that invented the DVR is re-inventing it. ReplayTV has left the living room to TiVo, last-generation ReplayTV recorders, and cable and satellite providers that offer DVRs as a premium feature.

Rebecca Day  |  Aug 28, 2007  |  Published: Aug 29, 2007

<I>When it comes to changing technology, Florida's Audio Video Lifestyles proves that it pays to think ahead.</I>

Rebecca Day  |  Aug 22, 2007

<I>A wild theater with a sonic edge shows you how to balance acoustics, design, and living space.</I>

Rebecca Day  |  Feb 14, 2006  |  Published: Feb 15, 2006
A complete system you won't want to hide in the basement.

My basement audio/video system is so last century. It's a mix-and-match collection of gear that's been retired as I've put together my real home theater system upstairs. The TV, a 30-inch analog CRT, circa 1988, doesn't even have a flat picture tube to its credit. The receiver maxes out at four-channel Dolby Pro Logic, and the speaker system is a mishmash of center and surround speakers (unmatched), with unshielded front speakers that deliver a killer image with stereo music but an unwelcome rainbow of colors when placed next to a video display. The DVD player is the only current-millennium piece in the stack, but not by much.

Rebecca Day  |  Jul 14, 2003  |  Published: Jul 15, 2003
The process may be painful, but the result is a bundle of joy.

Every year, I throw a Super Bowl party. This year I hosted an AFC Championship party instead because I wanted to show my friends championship football in HD. The only post-season game I knew I could receive in HD was CBS's broadcast of the AFC Championship, which I pulled in using an off-air antenna. My friends, predictably, were blown away by high-def football.