HT Staff

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HT Staff  |  Jun 06, 2004  |  0 comments
DVD: Popeye 75th-Anniversary Celebration Collector's Edition—Koch Vision
Video: 1
Audio: 2
Extras: 0
Cartoon connoisseurs are to be forgiven if they foolishly believe that a three-disc package entitled Popeye: 75th-Anniversary Celebration Collector's Edition might contain a minute or two of archival-worthy, eye-popping Popeye animation. After all, the beautifully designed case jacket proclaims the set offers "85 of the original King Features Syndicate cartoons" that have been "Digitally Remastered with Enhanced Audio and Visual Quality!" You'd also be excused if you didn't immediately realize that the eight hours of 4:3 video accompanied by glorious Dolby Mono sound was culled from those two watershed years of made-for-TV Popeye creativity: 1960 and 1961.
HT Staff  |  Apr 12, 2004  |  0 comments
DVD: The Cat in the Hat—Universal
Video: 5
Audio: 5
Extras: 2
It's always dangerous to remake a classic, yet director Bo Welch and company evidently had little fear of (or much respect for) the original Dr. Seuss tale in which a mischievous cat with a mysterious-but-colorful hat magically enters the lives of a brother and sister who need a lesson about balance in their lives. Although the DVD case claims that "the Classic Book Comes to Life," sadly, the childlike wonder and simple beauty of Suess' well-hewn prose and intriguingly alluring drawings are regularly shortchanged in favor of Mike Myers' antics and strangely out-of-place, off-color humor.
HT Staff  |  Nov 18, 2004  |  0 comments
DVD: Elf—New Line
Video: 5
Audio: 5
Extras: 5
Elf is 10 feet tall. Thoroughly entertaining, Will Ferrell's breakout film is now available on two DVDs that are fun, pure and simple. Ferrell plays Buddy, who accidentally ends up in Santa's North Pole Workshop and is raised by the elves, never being told he's really human. . .even though he's 3 feet taller than everyone else. Yearning to find his real father, Buddy heads to New York to do so.
HT Staff  |  Dec 13, 2004  |  0 comments
DVD: Funny Ladies—Koch Vision
Video: 3
Audio: 2
Extras: 1
The premise behind Funny Ladies is a good one: a four-DVD set featuring uncensored standup routines from some of the best female comediennes in the business. Most of the material dates from the early nineties, and the outfits and hairstyles are often funnier than the stand-ups themselves. Unfortunately, the real joke is on anyone who purchases this travesty of a collection.
HT Staff  |  Aug 19, 2005  |  0 comments
DVD: Be Cool:
I am a big Get Shorty fan. The dialogue, the acting, and the plot all just exude a coolness that is never struggled for, just achieved. The thought of a sequel seemed a little odd, but knowing that it is based on the Elmore Leonard sequel novel, I had high hopes. The end result was admittedly funny but nowhere near the quality of the original. The story takes place a few years after Get Shorty, and Chili Palmer is deciding to get out of the movie business. After a friend gets murdered, he decides to get into the music business instead. Far too many jokes are rehashed, but that in itself isn't the problem. Whereas the original was an effortless cool, this movie tries too hard to be cool—and rarely succeeds. Far too much time is spent on the (admittedly excellent) secondary characters, with Chili himself just kind of showing up to drive the plot along. The effect, though, highlights two of the best aspects of this movie: the Rock and André 3000. These two absolutely steal the movie, and this disc is worth a rental just for them. There are many musician cameos, but, unlike in Get Shorty, where actor cameos are natural (as in, they can act), the musician cameos are often awkward and distracting.
HT Staff  |  Jan 11, 2005  |  0 comments
DVD: This So-Called Disaster—MGM/UA
Video: 2
Audio: 2
Extras: 0
This avant-garde documentary traces the weeks of rehearsal leading up to a 2000 play by playwright and director Sam Shepard, based on his relationship with his own alcoholic father. Shepard assembled a cast that included Nick Nolte, Sean Penn, and Woody Harrelson, and while it's interesting to watch these pros prepare for their curtain call, they all seem to get along too well to make this more than an occasionally interesting behind-the-scenes look at live theater. The best drama—whether fiction or reality television—comes from conflict, but there's none to be found here, despite the disc jacket's claim that the play's characters "set off a powder keg of emotions so explosive that the actors themselves are drawn into the fray." This is just dull, and even Shepard appears to be dozing off during some of the script-reading sessions. The best moment comes when Harrelson and Penn, apparently competing with Nolte for the title Most Scruffy Looking Actor, bust each other's chops on some of their past film choices (yes, Shanghai Surprise comes into the conversation).
HT Staff  |  Sep 06, 2004  |  0 comments
DVD: Soul Plane Mile-High Edition—MGM/UA
Video: 4
Audio: 4
Extras: 3
If the Zucker brothers had made Airplane with bling, this comedy about the maiden voyage of a black-owned airline might have been the result. But don't confuse Soul Plane with that 1980 classic. While some of the visual jokes score, most of the humor is of the raunchy, make-you-wince variety. Nonetheless, the cast members, including Snoop Dogg, Method Man, Kevin Hart, and Tom Arnold as the token white guy, all got game; as a result, the film reaches a steady cruising altitude, even if it doesn't quite earn its wings.
HT Staff  |  Oct 15, 2000  |  0 comments
Home theater means more than great sound and a gorgeous picture. It also means having a comfortable seat while enjoying the movies, but---as many home theater fans have discovered---what's comfortable isn't necessarily stylish or good-looking.
HT Staff  |  Sep 18, 2001  |  0 comments
How much power do you need? Many movie lovers believe that 200 watts per channel gives you all the dynamic headroom you need for the most demanding soundtracks.
HT Staff  |  Jul 23, 2013  |  7 comments
Super-Thin, Curved Screen Model Launched at Best Buy’s Magnolia Design Center

In a surprise move, LG Electronics announced yesterday that the first OLED TV in the U.S. is being offered for sale at Best Buy’s flagship Magnolia Design Center store in Richfield, MN.
