Blu-ray Movie Reviews

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Brandon Grafius  |  Jul 05, 2006  | 
Movie ••½ Picture/Sound •••• Extras ••½
Another dystopian vision of the future, another ass-k
Ken Korman  |  Jul 05, 2006  | 
Movie ••• Picture/Sound •••• Extras •••½
Five Oscar nominations notwithstanding (including on
Ken Korman  |  Jul 05, 2006  | 
Movie •••• Picture/Sound ••• Extras ••••
Director John Frankenheimer's last feature, from 1998, remains a near-perfec
Ken Korman  |  Jul 05, 2006  | 
Movie •••½ Picture/Sound •••½ Extras •••½
First-time director Shane Black, writer of
Marc Horowitz  |  Jul 05, 2006  | 
Movie •••½ Picture/Sound ••• Extras ••½
George Clooney put on close to 30 pounds, grew an unruly
Marc Horowitz  |  Jul 05, 2006  | 
Movie ••• Picture/Sound ••••• Extras ••••
Event Horizon is a suspenseful and entertaining interstellar-hor
Mel Neuhaus  |  Jul 05, 2006  | 

One was a gregarious actor who became a cultural icon. The other was an erudite, poetic soul hiding in a sadistic, foul-tempered drunk ... and arguably America's greatest director.

Rad Bennett  |  Jul 05, 2006  | 
Series •••• Picture/Sound •••• Extras ••••
This pungent, funny/sad, character-driven show portrays New York City firemen
Rad Bennett  |  Jul 05, 2006  | 
20th Century Fox
Series •••• Picture/Sound ••• Extras ••
Boston Legal is broadcast in high-def on ABC, where its det
Sol Louis Siegel  |  Jul 05, 2006  | 
The Criterion Collection
Movie ••• Picture/Sound •••• Extras •••••
Orson Welles's 1955 attempt to create a European count
Tom Norton  |  Jun 17, 2006  | 

In these still early days of HD DVD, it's a little creepy that three of the releases have been films about bad cops: <I>Assault on Precinct 13</I>, <I>Training Day</I> (see below) and now <I>16 Blocks</I>.

Tom Norton  |  Jun 17, 2006  | 

<I>Training Day</I> is about a bad cop. A very bad cop who has convinced himself that if he can do good in questionable ways and get a little action on the side for himself (not to mention for a few bad cop buddies), that’s the name of the game. When it comes to breaking in a rookie, however, he gets more than he bargained for.

Tom Norton  |  Jun 17, 2006  | 

Stephen Sommers, director of a fun ride in <I>The Mummy</I> and an unnecessary, overblown sequel in <I>The Mummy Returns</I>, brings us a whole bevy of uglies in <I>Van Helsing</I>. It's a monster mash, with Dracula getting together with his vampire brides, the Frankenstein monster, Mr. Hyde, wherewolves, and various other hangers on.

Al Griffin  |  Jun 09, 2006  | 

So much fuss has been made about Brokeback Mountain (Lionsgate; Movie ••••½, Picture/Sound ••••, Extras •••), especially after it was nominated for eight Oscars (winning three), that it's not worth rehashing the details here.

Brandon Grafius  |  Jun 09, 2006  | 
Series •••• Picture/Sound •••• Extras ••••
This six-disc set brings us 12 more one-hour episodes of dust, grime, an
