Barry Willis

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Barry Willis  |  May 30, 1999  |  0 comments

DVD's early adopters were almost entirely technophile males, and their tastes in films were completely predictable: action and science fiction. Now that DVD players are finding their way into more homes, the popularity of other film genres in the digital format is growing.

Barry Willis  |  Jan 19, 2003  |  0 comments

Cable customers have long complained about inexplicable, inflated fees on their monthly bills and requirements by cable suppliers that they rent set-top converter boxes and other equipment even when it wasn't needed or wanted.

Barry Willis  |  Mar 24, 2002  |  0 comments

In the past three years, Chinese-made DVD players have flooded the market, bringing low-cost, high-quality video to millions of consumers. Their success has also brought millions of dollars to Chinese electronics manufacturers. Now those same manufacturers are being asked to pay their fair share for the technology that is making them rich.

Barry Willis  |  Apr 05, 1998  |  0 comments

In Shanghai, <I>Titanic</I> was available on Video Compact Disc last November, a month before it appeared in theaters in the United States. According to <I>New York Times</I> correspondent Seth Faison in a story dated March 28, illegally copied discs are flooding into China at the rate of half a million per day, primarily from Macau, a Portuguese colony near Hong Kong. China has no legal jurisdiction over Macau, which is not a signatory to the World Trade Organization's International Treaty on Intellectual Properties. Both the US and China signed the pact to control piracy.

Barry Willis  |  May 26, 2002  |  0 comments

Taiwanese and Chinese electronics makers hope to save billions in royalty fees by developing proprietary optical disc formats for the Chinese region, according to reports from Taipei in late May.

Barry Willis  |  Jun 23, 2002  |  0 comments

A surprise announcement from the nation's second-largest consumer electronics retailer may put the decline of videotape into hurry-up mode.

Barry Willis  |  Jun 06, 1999  |  0 comments

In the wake of a rash of horrendous school shootings, President Clinton has ordered a federal study of marketing strategies used to promote movies, music, and video games. The <A HREF="">Federal Trade Commission</A> has been given a $1 million budget and 18 months to complete the study, which will be "designed to lift a veil on whether production companies deliberately use violent imagery and language to lure young consumers," according to a June 1 report by the <A HREF=""><I>Washington Post</I></A>.

Barry Willis  |  Jul 02, 2000  |  0 comments

Walter Matthau, the gruff-voiced, droopy-faced master of deadpan comic acting, died early Saturday morning, July 1, after suffering a heart attack. He was pronounced dead at 1:42am, shortly after being taken to St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica, California. Matthau was 79.

Barry Willis  |  Feb 03, 2002  |  0 comments

With the advent of DVD, the death of videotape has been widely predicted. Standard VHS may be going the way of the dinosaur, but tape is re-emerging as a format for high definition movies. Some folks are even predicting that DVD may be relegated to a "mid-fi format."

Barry Willis  |  May 11, 2003  |  0 comments

Computer geeks and sci-fi action thrillers go together like peanut butter and jelly. It's therefore no accident that the first-ever high definition DVD will feature Arnold Swarzenegger's monosyllabic cyborg on a disc playable on computers only.
