Shane Buettner  |  Jul 21, 2007  |  0 comments

<I>Blood Diamond's</I> IME feature goes farther than Warner's previous efforts in two respects. First, rather than having to wait for the PIP video material to come up, the user can hit the left or right cursors to skip to fro the chapters with IME material. Second, a gold disc icon appears during the film indicating "Focus Points," and hitting enter when this icon is on-screen removes the viewer to a more substantial, out of band feature rather than in band PIP. Not quite U-Control, but pretty cool. Previous IMEs haven't been icon-driven- you simply had to find them and couldn't exercise this much control over the experience.

Shane Buettner  |  Jul 21, 2007  |  0 comments

Bandai's <I>Freedom Vol. 1</I> offers up to cast/crew info by hitting the A button, storyboards using the B button, and up to seven bookmarks using the C button (all of which is explained by a handy tutorial readily accessible in the main menu). The storyboard feature here is awesome. I've got to admit that I'm not an anime guy, so this material didn't grab me as much as it might some of you. But, think of looking at storyboards and art in band with the movie with something like <I>Lord of the Rings</I>, or even Martin Scorsese's crude storyboards for <I>Taxi Driver</I> (oh wait, that's a Sony movie). Still, you get my drift.

 |  Jul 20, 2007  |  0 comments

Double Feature This vacation home is surrounded by the beauty of the Mexican Pacific coast and immersed in the latest A/V gear.

SV Staff  |  Jul 20, 2007  |  0 comments
Saw a killer Crowded House show last night in an intimate setting of about 300 people. It was one of those "secret show" deals that are never really all that secret - Paul McCartney did some of these recently himself in L.A. and NYC - but they're...
Mark Fleischmann  |  Jul 20, 2007  |  0 comments
In an attempt to reverse declining CD sales, one label has settled on the novel idea of actually offering consumers more for their money. Disney's Hollywood Records will soon take the wraps off a new CDVU+ format with an initial release by the Jonas Brothers.
 |  Jul 19, 2007  |  0 comments

CinemaNow on Wednesday released an upgrade to its Media Manager software enabling its movie downloads to play back over a networked Xbox 360 and its burn-to-DVD download service to operate with Windows Vista.

SV Staff  |  Jul 19, 2007  |  0 comments
Okay, I'm not trying to make fun of the deadly incident itself . . . But c'mon, folks, hasn't anyone noticed the eerie similarity between the steam-pipe blast in New York yesterday - alias "Midtown Volcano!" (NY Post) or, more...
Thomas J. Norton  |  Jul 19, 2007  |  0 comments

It's been a busy, hot, sad, exciting, confusing, jumble of a month here at <I>UAV</I>, and there's a lot to catch up on. Rather than post several separate, shorter blogs at once, I'll mash them all together.

SV Staff  |  Jul 19, 2007  |  0 comments
I'm not kidding. Not to be outdone by Warner's recent launch of MVI, Disney announced yesterday that, on August 7, the self-titled Hollywood Records album by those pop-punk kids at left, the Jonas Brothers, will be the first release to appear on...
SV Staff  |  Jul 19, 2007  |  0 comments
Recently, I did something that I hadn’t done in a long time: flipped the side. The record was King Crimson’s Red, a 1974 gem that rejoined my collection last May when an old college roommate unloaded a bunch of vinyl on me (not surprisingly, several...
