SV Staff  |  Jul 26, 2007  |  0 comments
Yes, at long last, The Simpsons Movie opens tomorrow. And as one of its writer/producers, Al Jean, says in the July 27 issue of Entertainment Weekly: "As an event, I think it'll be somewhere between Sgt. Pepper's the album and Sgt. Pepper's...
SV Staff  |  Jul 26, 2007  |  0 comments
That's right, you read it here first: The next installment in Rhino's boxed-set series of the complete Genesis studio recordings has been scheduled for October 23, according to a label spokesperson. That date "could move," however. As...
SV Staff  |  Jul 26, 2007  |  0 comments
Twin bands of different eras? I just couldn't resist putting them together in the same barrelful . . . From the Monkees, we have double-disc reissues of two 1967 albums, Headquarters and Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd. (both Rhino)....
SV Staff  |  Jul 26, 2007  |  0 comments
That would be Mike Bloomberg (at left in photo), a.k.a. Michael R. Bloomberg, a.k.a. The Mayor of New York City. And the TV is indeed the world's largest 1080p plasma set, a.k.a. the professional model TH-103PF9UK - which can be yours, too, for...
SV Staff  |  Jul 26, 2007  |  0 comments
After the 1973 original LP and the 2003 surround SACD, now comes the, um, hard-rock version of Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon. Just kidding! The hard rock here is actually a 3x10-foot section of a brick wall from a 175-year-old...
Mark Fleischmann  |  Jul 26, 2007  |  0 comments
Though Denon's receiver line has long been one of the industry's strongest, it's also suffered from the same ossified in-the-black-box thinking that plagues all receivers. That's changed in a big way with the 2007 models unveiled at a Tuesday press event.
 |  Jul 25, 2007  |  0 comments

Lately it seems as though every component in a fully tricked-out home theater system wants to dink with the video - the DVD player, the receiver, the TV. Usually whatever is being done is described as some sort of upconversion. What does that mean, though? And perhaps more important, is it always a good thing?

Michael Fremer  |  Jul 25, 2007  |  0 comments

At its Summer 2007 press conference today, Denon Electronics (a division of D&M Holdings) announced an all new line of A/V Receivers and its first entry into next-gen HD with an exciting new Blu-ray Disc player.

Mark Fleischmann  |  Jul 25, 2007  |  5 comments
What size would you like your iPod-compatible speakers to be? Do you want Baby Bear, Mama Bear, or Papa Bear? Sierra Sound's iN STUDIO 5.0 fits into the middle category, as a monitor-sized pair of speakers with an iPod dock atop the left one. The review sample came in festive high-gloss Ferrari red, pleasing me no end, though you can have basic black or boring old traditional iPod white if you prefer.
Billy Altman  |  Jul 24, 2007  |  0 comments
Those the Brokes Astralwerks
Music ••½ Sound ••½
How you react to the Magic Numbers' second CD probably depends
