Fred Manteghian Blog

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Fred Manteghian  |  Jun 29, 2006  |  0 comments

We can describe all the colors in the universe, well, at least the colors of Fox, Disney, MGM, Warner Brothers and Universal, with but three primary colors: red, green and blue. That's how our projectors do it. Blind people have been asked to describe the colors they've never seen, and I think they need a lot of words to accomplish what three tint filters and a gain control can do. I hope they're not reading this. That last could be deemed offensive.

Fred Manteghian  |  Jun 20, 2006  |  0 comments

Pass around the Prozac. <i>24</i>, <i>Prison Break</i>, <i>The Unit</i>, <i>Lost</i>, <i>Alias</i>, and the <i>capo di tutti capo</i> of all shows<i>The Sopranos</i>, are over for the season (or in the case of <i>Alias</i>, forever). But the end of the school year doesn’t necessarily signal the death kneel it did back when a warm summer breeze shot me into a verse of “No More Teachers, No More Books.” Now, we have options.

Fred Manteghian  |  Jun 14, 2006  |  10 comments

The Plasma Display Coalition (PDC), a consortium of well known plasma manufacturers, is high on life. According to Coalition’s President Jim Palumbo, 2006 will see over three million plasma sets sold to consumers. So why are coalition members Hitachi Home Electronics, LG Electronics USA, Panasonic Corporation of America, Pioneer Electronics (USA) and Samsung Electronics USA going on the defensive? That’s easy, just ask any of the ill-trained sales employees at the big consumer electronic chains to tell you the difference between plasma and LCD panels, and they’ll blurt out urban legend like it’s going on sale.

Fred Manteghian  |  May 22, 2006  |  13 comments

Yup, the U.S. of A. Love it or leave it, we're the country everyone wants to break into, not out of. Although if I ever end another sentence in a preposition, I'll agree to be expelled. People from other countries used to say the streets of America were paved in gold. Now they think there's a home theater in every house.

Fred Manteghian  |  May 09, 2006  |  2 comments

My month-old laserdisc player blog ( <a href="" target=new> Things To Do with Your Laser Disc Player When You're Dead </a>) is still generating traffic as recently as yesterday. Thanks for your comments. It's nice to know I'm not alone in the Ether(net).

Fred Manteghian  |  Apr 29, 2006  |  2 comments

Last Sunday I blasted Philips for their technology initiatives to confute the human instinct for avoiding unpleasantness in all its forms (i.e. lame TV commercials) in my blog called
<a href="" target=new>The Perfect Philips Screwdriver</a>. Apparently, the company did have a statement on their website that I had not been able to find that sought to "clarify" the issue from Philips point of view (thank you Gary Kaye of for finding it). I don't know about you, but I'm sick of companies and politicians trying to cover up their poo in fragrant roses. I'm going take a few minutes to rub their noses in it.

Fred Manteghian  |  Apr 23, 2006  |  2 comments

Philips, the company that thinks the asses of their TVs should pulse in unison with the video image on the front of their sets has yet another idea they think is really swell. I hope for their sake it's a real money maker because, if it takes off, there won't be a single reviewer on this side of the Milky Way that is ever going to request, much less favorably review, another Philips product ever, ever again.

Fred Manteghian  |  Apr 19, 2006  |  0 comments

Easily imitated, never duplicated, the Mastercard "Priceless" ads are fun to riff on. Now you can <a href="" target=new>write your own</a> on-line, with Mastercard's permission. There's even a prize, but the fun is in the attempt.

Fred Manteghian  |  Apr 12, 2006  |  1 comments

I've got the next hot product for Apple, the hardware cum music company, not the Music company the Beatles conceived or even the fruit that ultimately made Eve conceive.

Fred Manteghian  |  Apr 08, 2006  |  0 comments

You plan your life around it, your purchases, living arrangements, and, in some cases, even your career. No, not your family, they can fend for themselves. I'm talking about your orphaned electronic equipment. I don't know about you, but I've got tons of it and it's starting to haunt me bad.

Fred Manteghian  |  Mar 16, 2006  |  1 comments

<i>The following is the 2nd installment in our ongoing </i>Tales from the Front Lines <i> war coverage series by investigative reporter Fred Manteghian, currently embedded with the 1080th Progressives (not really) division, somewhere near the front lines.</i>

Fred Manteghian  |  Mar 13, 2006  |  1 comments

A friend at work grew mildly excited last week in anticipation of <i>The Sopranos: Season Deep Space Nine</i>. He wasn't actually that excited about the show, he was excited because, once the series closing season is over, he can finally cancel his subscription to HBO. He subscribes to Netflix and said the only reason he keeps HBO in his stable is to watch the Sopranos. He's originally from New Jersey, just two exits away on the Garden State from the BadaBing, so Tony and him are practically cousins.

Fred Manteghian  |  Mar 04, 2006  |  0 comments

If it weren't for the courts, Directv would be able to simply broadcast ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX's primetime HD lineups over their existing birds without so much as a yawn. But thanks to the network's local affiliates and the cable companies who presented legal arguments (i.e., paid a lot of lawyers a lot of money) to prevent that from happening with standard definition stations, the option wasn't even on the table when talk of network HD came around. Hence, we have the billion dollar solution to the million dollar problem. Thank you, yer Honor, may I have some more.

Fred Manteghian  |  Feb 24, 2006  |  5 comments

The fog of war settles sullenly on our psyches. We're just behind the front lines, but close enough that every incoming mortar round feels like it has your name on it. My notebook is so covered in mud and dried blood, I'm tempted to use a bayonet to carve out my words instead of a pen. How did this madness begin?

Fred Manteghian  |  Feb 18, 2006  |  0 comments

Whenever I see the five interlocked Olympic rings, I think of one thing: Audi cars. Okay, they have only four rings, but I'm definitely more interested in driving cars than watching the Olympics, particularly the winter Olympics. Bryant Gumbel noted last week that it's the "paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention." Of course, we all know that's a lie. Bryant Gumbel has never even been to a Republican convention!
