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 |  Apr 14, 2002  |  0 comments

There's still not much digital programming to enjoy, but consumers are going for digital television sets in ever-increasing numbers. The <A HREF="">Consumer Electronics Association</A> reports that sales of DTV sets rose 83% in February 2002 compared to the same period the previous year.

 |  Jun 24, 2001  |  0 comments

Shipments of digital television products in May almost doubled over the same period last year, according to figures released June 20 by the <A HREF=>Consumer Electronics Association</A>.

 |  Nov 28, 1999  |  0 comments

Rockets launched into space move slowly at liftoff, but with thrust continually applied, they gain momentum until they break free of Earth's gravity. The Digital Versatile Disc has done something similar, according to the latest figures from the <A HREF="">Consumer Electronics Association</A>: As of November 23, the DVD is the hottest-selling consumer-electronics product in history.

 |  Mar 26, 2000  |  0 comments

February's manufacturer-to-dealer shipments of video products were up 22% over the same period last year, according to figures released March 17 by the <A HREF="">Consumer Electronics Association</A>. Every segment of the video market showed strong growth, including analog direct-view televisions, which were up by 8%, with 2.9 million units shipped.

 |  Nov 21, 1999  |  0 comments

Factory-to-dealer sales of digital television sets exceeded 20,000 units in October, a new one-month record. October's total of 21,432 units shipped was an increase of 42% over September's 15,600, the previous one-month record. More than 88,000 units have been sold since the new format was rolled out in 1998, with 75,000 of those units sold in 1999.

 |  Aug 19, 2001  |  0 comments

Consumers apparently paid no attention to the habitual summer slump that affects electronics dealers, according to sales statistics released August 15 by the <A HREF="">Consumer Electronics Association</A> (CEA).

 |  Sep 30, 2001  |  0 comments

Custom installation is <I>the</I> growth area for the consumer electronics industry. To expand training opportunities for installers, the <A HREF="">Custom Electronics Design and Installation Association</A> (CEDIA) has announced a new partnership with the <A HREF="">Consumer Electronics Association</A> (CEA) to bring CEDIA training to the 2002 International Consumer Electronics Show, to be held January 8&#160;11 in Las Vegas. The upcoming CES will be the first one to be held during weekdays rather than over a weekend.

 |  Sep 26, 1999  |  0 comments

L.A.'s Beverly Hilton Hotel will be swarming with television executives and technical gurus this week as the <A HREF="">Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association</A> (CEMA) hosts its fifth Digital Television Summit conference. The conference officially begins Tuesday, September 28, preceeded by a reception Monday evening featuring a high-definition broadcast of <I>Monday Night Football</I>.

 |  Aug 29, 1999  |  0 comments

Gary Shapiro is after the US Congress to reconcile House and Senate versions of the Satellite Home Viewer Act (SHVA). Shapiro, president of the <A HREF="">Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association</A> (CEMA), has asked legislators to incorporate provisions of a recent agreement between direct broadcast satellite (DBS) service <A HREF="">DirecTV</A> and the <A HREF="">National Association of Broadcasters</A>, allowing DBS services to transmit local TV signals&mdash;a practice known as local-into-local&mdash;as cable companies have always done.

 |  Sep 19, 1999  |  0 comments

People love to watch movies at home, a fact verified by a recent report from the <A HREF="">Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association</A>. Almost 20 million American households now have home-theater systems, according to CEMA. Statistics show that during the first half of 1999 sales to dealers of home-theater products rose 6%, to $3.9 billion, up from $3.6 billion during the same period last year.
