A/V Veteran

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Thomas J. Norton  |  Jan 16, 2024  | 
The subject of the Titanic disaster makes for endless commentary. The ship went down in 1912, but once it was precisely located on the ocean floor in the 1980s the story of its demise has inspired an orgy of new coverage. The star attraction of that coverage, of course, was, and remains, the 1997 James Cameron film, Titanic. But it wasn't the first, or only, film on the subject. There was the 1958 black and white British film A Night to Remember, based on the Walter Lord book of the same name.
Thomas J. Norton  |  Dec 26, 2023  | 
Part two of an interview did I did more than 25 years ago reveals that not everything has changed when it comes to home audio.
Thomas J. Norton  |  Dec 12, 2023  | 
In 1997 I was on the staff of Stereophile magazine as a consulting technical editor, and also a contributor to (and later the editor of) the Stereophile Guide to Home Theater, at the time a nascent publication subsumed into Sound & Vision in the mid 20-aughts (itself a very long story!)

In any case, we were visited that year by Phil Abbate, then a reporter for the AAS (Atlanta Audio Society, today the Atlanta Audio Club). Phil interviewed me during his visit to Santa Fe, New Mexico, then the headquarters of Stereophile. Whether that interview ever made it into the pages of the AAS (or onto the bits of the then also nascent Internet) I don't know. But during a recent effort to sort out my increasingly cluttered files I ran across a copy of that interview, which Phil had sent me shortly after it happened.

Thomas J. Norton  |  Nov 21, 2023  | 
I was recently riffling through my collection of video discs, searching for one to use to use as a source in a review, when 2017's The Finest Hours dropped into my hands for the first time years. It's the true story of the nearly impossible rescue of an oil tanker, the SS Pendleton caught in a furious February 1952 nor'easter off Chatham Massachusetts on Cape Cod. It remains the most incredible small-boat rescue in Coast Guard history. Coast Guard Petty Officer Bernie Webber and his small crew set out in a 32-foot boat to save the tanker's 32 surviving crewmen.

Thomas J. Norton  |  Nov 07, 2023  | 
A recent editorial in our sister publication, Stereophile, and some recent experiences I've had in dealing with Bluetooth, raised once more the related subjects of digital audio and audio compression. Digital audio can only exist by slicing the source signal up into pieces that can be manipulated and used immediately or stored for later reassembly in the analog domain.
Thomas J. Norton  |  Oct 17, 2023  | 
In television, as in all things, you can't fully appreciate where you are, and where you're headed, without knowing where you've been. Not all that long ago plasma was king but that was only one step in an ongoing parade of TV designs...
Thomas J. Norton  |  Oct 03, 2023  | 
I've written about animated films before, but there are always new ones to discover, as well as older titles to revisit. To beat a live horse yet again (Maximus in Tangled, for example, not Maximus in Gladiator) I continue to be disappointed that adult friends, when visiting for a movie night, reject out of hand any suggested animated titles. Some, I suspect, haven't seen an animated movie since they were 12, an age at which they abandoned anything they considered to be childish diversions beneath their newfound sophistication. But just as live action films can offer things that animated titles cannot, the reverse is certainly true. Here are six more of my favorite animated movies.
Thomas J. Norton  |  Sep 19, 2023  | 
Long-time readers and experienced videophiles will instantly recognize the Spears and Munsil brand. Over the years S&M has released what are arguably the best video evaluation discs on the market for setting up video displays of all descriptions. At $59.95, the new Spears & Munsil Ultra HD Benchmark is the company's priciest offering to date. But it's also the most thorough.
Thomas J. Norton  |  Sep 05, 2023  | 
1983's WarGames offered a prescient take on today's emerging concerns about artificial intelligence (AI), though the film envisioned something more apocalyptic than worries over being replaced by robots.
Thomas J. Norton  |  Aug 22, 2023  | 
Inspiration for a blog can come from any number of places. In the August/September print edition of Sound & Vision, Ken C. Pohlmann writes about the issues involved in cataloging classical music for access on music streaming sites.

Classical music as a category is a catch-all term for compositions originally played in front of a live audience. Most such music is a century or more old, but adventurous composers are still writing it today. It's similar to modern "popular" music (rock, country, metal, and more) mainly in the fact that it's now experienced more from recordings than viewed and heard live. The late J. Gordon Holt, founder of our sister publication, Stereophile didn't, as far as I know, deprecate popular music, but was a strong proponent of well-recorded classical music, viewing it as the only genre fully suited for judging audio gear. Was he right?

Thomas J. Norton  |  Aug 08, 2023  | 
OK, I haven't seen Barbie. Nor do I have any intention of doing so, even it if shows up for free on a streaming service. My only...ah...exposure to Barbie was in the Toy Story franchise, where she was basically a third-stringer. But Barbie was a apparently big deal for years for young girls, who are now all grown up and yearn for nostalgia wrapped around some new-fashioned man-shaming.

But I did see Oppenheimer in my local IMAX...

Thomas J. Norton  |  Jul 25, 2023  | 
Most TV buyers turn their new TV on and never touch the video controls even though those controls can be invaluable in getting the best possible picture quality. The question is, do you have the knowledge and confidence to make the right adjustments or does it make more sense to hire a professional calibrator to do it for you?
Thomas J. Norton  |  Jul 11, 2023  | 
In my previous blog, shopping for a New TV, I discussed all of the various types of today's HDTVs. Hopefully that helped limit your choice to either an OLED or an LCD-based LED TV. But now you're headed to the store where you'll be surrounded by a legion of such HDTVs. Here are a few tips to help you choose a model that's right for you.
Thomas J. Norton  |  Jun 27, 2023  | 
One of the key highlights of the CES trade show held every year in early January is a preview of the coming year's new TVs. These models don’t typically become available for sale until the spring, meaning most of the TVs you see “on sale” in the three or four months following CES are actually last year's models that need to be cleared out to make room for the new ones. And some of that old stock remains available into the early summer — as in now.
Thomas J. Norton  |  Jun 13, 2023  | 
Among the many time-sinks to be found on YouTube are predictions of the future, particularly those made years or even decades ago and anticipating what life today would be like. It's fascinating to revisit the 1950s vision of the "home of tomorrow."
