What Was the Most Compelling TV Story of CES?

Home entertainment has been the mainstay of CES since the show began more than 40 years ago and the 2014 event was no exception as television grabbed more than its fair share of headlines. In particular, 4K/Ultra HD TVs capable of displaying images with four times the resolution of standard HDTV made a big splash with virtually every major brand and many lesser-known brands rolling out Ultra HD smart TVs in screens sizes ranging from 50 to 110 inches. But there was plenty of other TV news, leading us to this week’s question: “What Was the Most Compelling TV Story of 2014 CES?”

If you need a quick refresher, here are links to some of the big TV stories:

Cast your vote and, by all means, expound on your selection in Comments.
What Was the Most Compelling TV Story of CES?
The explosion of 4K/Ultra HD TVs, which were introduced by virtually every brand
19% (72 votes)
The explosion of “smart TVs”—sets with built-in Internet capabilities and new user interfaces
1% (2 votes)
Sony’s introduction of its first consumer 4K camcorder
2% (7 votes)
The announcement that Netflix will begin streaming 4K content
9% (34 votes)
Samsung’s announcement of a 110-inch Ultra HD TV (that will sell for $150,000)
1% (2 votes)
Dolby’s demonstration of a glasses-free 3D system in which 3D depth can be adjusted
2% (7 votes)
LG’s announcement of a 77-inch hybrid OLED/Ultra HD TV
17% (62 votes)
TV makers embracing curved screens for many of their new 4K/Ultra HD TVs
0% (1 vote)
Sets designed for high dynamic range, or “HDR,” which aims to replicate the real-world “pop” of bright areas in an image
13% (49 votes)
The lack of OLED TVs and the fact that OLED took a (way) backseat to Ultra HD
29% (109 votes)
When hotshot Hollywood director Michael Bay walked off stage at a Samsung press conference when the teleprompter failed
5% (17 votes)
Other (please tell us what we missed in Comments)
3% (12 votes)
Total votes: 374