Phil Clements of Solus/Clements Brings H-PAS to the Bar

Phil Clements, father of H-PAS technology, explains its use in a bar speaker. While Atlantic is studying this prospect, the product shown is pre-H-PAS. It is a seven-channel configuration with three tweeters and two 4x6-inch woofers in the front and two on the sides for surrounds. Channels are shared among the drivers with a triple voice coil structure. A "180-degree feel" is promised.The bar is the FS-7.0. With eight-inch sub, it is the SB-8800 system. Shipping in September for $800 (for the bar) and $300 (for the sub).

Bob's picture

I hear Phil Clements also played a role in the engineering of the SB-8800 system. Sounds like Atlantic has recruited a great asset, Phil Clements.