Kris Deering

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Kris Deering  |  Mar 16, 2008  |  Published: Mar 17, 2008  |  0 comments
Video: 3.5/5
Audio: 4/5
Extras: 3/5
Fox has had this one on the back burner for quite some time now. Ice Age was originally announced for release last year and was held back during the prolonged "time out" that Fox took from the format. Judging from the packaging on this one I'd say it has been waiting around patiently for a new date. This has always been a fun film and it literally saved the animation side of Fox from extinction. Fans of the film will probably be happy to hear that the third film in the franchise was just announced for next summer in 3-D.
Kris Deering  |  Mar 16, 2008  |  Published: Mar 17, 2008  |  0 comments
Video: 4/5
Audio: 4.5/5
Extras: 2/5
I remember when this film was originally launched on DVD. Talk about hype! Independence Day is one of the bigger Fox catalog titles and I'm sure there are a lot of people excited to see this one in HD. While it is still a solid action popcorn film, I think it has lost a bit of its lure over the years since its DVD release. I've seen this film several times now and I know it has lost a bit of luster for me. The comedy doesn't hold up well and I actually find myself surprised that I found it as entertaining as I did during its theatrical run. The action still holds up pretty well and even the special effects aren't half bad compared to today's standards. I'm glad Fox has decided to release this one early and I hope to see more great catalog releases over the next year.
Kris Deering  |  Mar 16, 2008  |  Published: Mar 17, 2008  |  0 comments
Video: 5/5
Audio: 4/5
Extras: 3/5
Ever wonder what it would be like to recreate a Disney Princess animated film into live action? Now if you really thought about it you'd probably realize it would be a bit cheesy. Well that is what Enchanted is. But instead of trying to do it seriously Disney has done a pretty good job of poking fun at itself with this one. I will admit some of the ideas here work pretty well and there is no doubt that this is a Disney production. But I also thought it felt more like a Disney channel type of film rather than a feature production. The story was a bit too whimsical and even the animation seemed a bit short of Disney's signature film style. The story does have a nice heart to it, but overall I thought it was a bit much at times.
Kris Deering  |  Mar 12, 2008  |  0 comments
Video: 4/5
Audio: 3/5
Extras: 3.5/5
This is one of those films that completely took me by surprise. I remember seeing one trailer for it in theaters and not thinking much of it but when I saw it available for import on HD DVD, I took the plunge. It had a good cast and I generally enjoy British comedies so I thought why not. Turns out this one is great. The comedy in this had my wife and me laughing nearly the entire film with some scenes bringing us to near tears. The whole film centers around a funeral and everything that can happen will. The cast is great here and every character brings something more to the already hilarious happenings. If you love a great comedy, this is not to be missed.
Kris Deering  |  Mar 12, 2008  |  0 comments
Video: 3.5/5
Audio: 3/5
Extras: 3/5
Awhile back I was caught by surprise with the last installment in the Fast and the Furious franchise, Tokyo Drift. I thought the second film was the end of the line for great entertainment but the third installment ended up being quite good. Well you can tell they borrowed a lot from this film. Initial D is a live action imagining of the Manga by the same name and brought to the big screen by the creators of the popular Infernal Affairs series. The film centers on some street racers and the ever popular "drifting" so prevalent in street racing culture today. Two racers stumble upon a local Tofu delivery guy who just happens to be the master of a local downhill track and bring him into their world. The film is a bit corny at times, mainly do to the rather crude dubbing and comic-like acting, but it was also a lot of fun and the racing sequences are very well done. Anyone looking for a racing fix should definitely give this one a look.
Kris Deering  |  Mar 12, 2008  |  0 comments
Video: 4/5
Audio: 3.5/5
Extras: 3/5
Bandai Visual delivers the next episode in the Freedom series. For those not familiar with this series it was created as a marketing series for "Cup-O-Noodles" though it really has no tie in to the product except some of the characters eating it in the show. Each segment is thirty minutes long and each segment has been released on HD DVD individually, making this is a bit of a steep investment considering the length of each release. This fourth episode finds our main characters on Earth's soil and on the way to Florida to meet the girl in the pictures. This episode wasn't quite as engaging as the ones before it, but it's an essential part of the story. The animation was also a bit disappointing in comparison to the previous episodes with most of the longer shots not coming off quite as detailed, but this was obviously an artistic choice of the creators. I'm still looking forward to seeing where it all goes and I have word that the rest of the series will be released on HD DVD despite its recent demise.
Kris Deering  |  Mar 09, 2008  |  0 comments
Video: 4/5
Audio: 4.5/5
Extras: 4/5
Movies based on video games generally don't make for great cinema. There have been a few exceptions, but they are VERY few and far between. I wasn't expecting much going into this one but it didn't turn out too bad. I am not that familiar with the video game series (which may have helped) but I couldn't help but notice the parallels between other games I've played. The scenarios and characters were a bit one dimensional, like most games. The nice thing is, this film has enough plot to keep the action going, which is all one can demand from a popcorn film. The action choreography and stylish cinematography also keep things pretty cool. My only real complaint is the lead actor. While I like Olyphant as an actor, he didn't have the weight for this type of role in my opinion. I guess I've just seen too many films about professional killers that gave the killer a more impending tone.
Kris Deering  |  Mar 09, 2008  |  0 comments
Video: 4.5/5
Audio: 3.5/5
Extras: 0/5
When this film was released I noticed a lot of comparisons to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I am not sure why, the films have little to do with each other. Both are VERY colorful and full of imagination, but this film deals more with finding the magic within you. Hoffman does a good job in the lead, but the film is stolen by Natalie Portman. She is reminding me more and more of Audrey Hepburn as she's gotten older and her charm and vulnerability go a long way in this one. It isn't very often that we see a solid live action family film like this.
Kris Deering  |  Mar 09, 2008  |  0 comments
Video: 4/5
Audio: 4/5
Extras: 3/5
Atonement was easily one of my favorite movies of 2007 and I was actually surprised it didn't walk away with the Best Picture statue at the Oscar's this year. While this was an extremely strong year for great films and there was some great nominees I felt this film had the strongest overall arc in terms of production, story, acting and direction. It is rare that a film just nails every aspect as well as this one does, making it a must-see in my opinion.
Kris Deering  |  Mar 09, 2008  |  0 comments
Video: 5/5
Audio: 5/5
Extras: 3.5/5
Will Smith is getting the high definition treatment these next few weeks. We are seeing a couple releases from Fox and last year's blockbuster from Warner here soon. Good thing his movies are fun. i, Robot was the first big budget film for director Alex Proyas (Dark City) and an above average summer blockbuster for Smith. The creators did a bang up job with the special effects, but at times I thought they were a bit heavy handed with the environments. I'm still glad this one has finally made its way to Blu-ray as it was one of my favorite demonstration titles on the short lived D-Theater format.
