Yamaha YHT-591 HTIB HT Labs Measures

HT Labs Measures

Two channels driven continuously into 8-ohm loads:
0.2% distortion at 80.8 watts
1% distortion at 91.9 watts

Two channels driven into 4-ohm loads:
0.2% distortion at 99.3 watts
1% distortion at 115.7 watts

This graph shows the quasi-anechoic (employing close-miking of all woofers) frequency response of the L/R (purple trace), subwoofer (blue trace), center channel (green trace), and surround (red trace). All passive loudspeakers were measured at a distance of 1 meter with a 2.83-volt input and scaled for display purposes.

The L/R’s listening-window response (a five-point average of axial and +/–15-degree horizontal and vertical responses) measures +4.32/–2.32 decibels from 200 hertz to 10 kilohertz. The –3-dB point is at 119 Hz, and the –6-dB point is at 108 Hz. Impedance reaches a minimum of 5.50 ohms at 16 kHz and a phase angle of –46.46 degrees at 208 Hz. Sensitivity averages 82 dB from 500 Hz to 2 kHz.

The center’s listening-window response measures +5.32/–2.28 dB from 200 Hz to 10 kHz. An average of axial and (+/–15-degree) horizontal responses measures +4.95/–2.55 dB from 200 Hz to 10 kHz. The –3-dB point is at 121 Hz, and the –6-dB point is at 111 Hz. Impedance reaches a minimum of 5.76 ohms at 15.6 kHz and a phase angle of –46.50 degrees at 208 Hz. Sensitivity averages 82 dB from 500 Hz to 2 kHz.

The surround’s listening-window response measures +6.37/–7.48 dB from 200 Hz to 10 kHz. The –3-dB point is at 131 Hz, and the –6-dB point is at 121 Hz. Impedance reaches a minimum of 5.50 ohms at 15.4 kHz and a phase angle of –57.55 degrees at 2.3 kHz. Sensitivity averages 82 dB from 500 Hz to 2 kHz.

The subwoofer’s close-miked response, normalized to the level at 80 Hz, indicates that the lower –3-dB point is at 58 Hz and the –6-dB point is at 41 Hz. The upper –3-dB point is at 106 Hz.

Crosstalk at 1 kHz driving 2.83 volts into an 8-ohm load was –77.29 dB left to right and –79.92 dB right to left. THD+N from the amplifier was less than 0.008% at 1 kHz when driving 2.83 volts into an 8-ohm load. The signal-to-noise ratio with 2.83 volts driving an 8-ohm load from 10 Hz to 24 kHz with “A” weighting was –106.88 dBrA.—MJP

Yamaha Electronics Corporation
(800) 4-YAMAHA

mr_db's picture

I actually just received this from a friend who was moving out and was upgrading his system now I get to play around with it. I am wondering though if it is possible to hook up my ipad to it and if so what route I would take. I looked up on HTIB reviews and found that I may be able to get a wireless adapter for it which would allow me to hook it up and sort of use it as a monitor. Maybe I could even get apple tv or whatever it is, but I'm not too sure. Any recommendations would be appreciated.