Sony VPL-VW95ES 3D SXRD Projector Settings


Mode: Cinema 1
Backlight: N/A
Contrast: 81
Brightness: 51
Sharpness: Min
Color: 50
Tint: 50
Advanced Settings

  • Cinema Black: Auto 1
  • Dynamic Contrast: N/A
  • Gamma Correction: Off
  • Color Space: Auto
White Balance: (Custom 3 preset)
  • Offset: Red 5, Green -4, Blue -4
  • Gain: Red -2, Green 1, Blue 1
Flesh Tone: N/A
Edge Enhancement: N/A
xvYCC: Off
Picture Options
  • Color Space: Normal
  • Size: Wide
  • Digital NR: Off
HDMI Black Level: Normal
Film Mode: Auto 1
Blue Only Mode: Off
Motion Flow: Off
  • Fan Speed: Low

Unit-to-unit sample variations, the viewing environment, and the source might render these recommendations less than optimum. They are provided only as a potentially useful starting place.

The settings here that are most likely to translate reliably from one sample to another are those involving specific features with only a few setting options, such as color space, gamma, and noise reduction. The ones most likely to be subject to sample variations are video controls offering a wide range of settings. This will be particularly true for color temperature (grayscale) and color management adjustments (where available).

While experimenting with the user menu controls can do no damage and can easily be reset, we do not provide settings for service menu adjustments. Random alterations of such controls without detailed knowledge of what they do may corrupt a set’s firmware. This will likely require extensive in-shop repairs that are not covered under the warranty.

We strongly recommend you find the optimum basic video settings for your sample by using one of the many display setup DVDs that are available, such as Digital Video Essentials (DVD) or DVE HD Basics (Blu-ray). A full calibration, particularly of the grayscale and color gamut, is best left to a trained and properly equipped technician such as those certified by the Imaging Science Foundation (ISF) or THX.


Ducksoup_SD's picture

Several class action suits were raised against Sony for their SXRD projection televisions from the mid-2000's. As someone who is now on their 4th optical engine (under warranty, and turned down a 5th as part of one of the suits), I can attest that Sony was challenged by this new technology.

In their release documents, did Sony address the color shift problems of the SXRD chips (turning pink or green) over time? Did they address the contamination of the optical path with particles?

I hope the answer is yes, but Home Theater never alluded to any of those documents. If they didn't address the issues that raised lawsuits in the past, why would Home Theater give a glowing review to something that has a much higher failure rate than a more conventional technology?

I purchased my SXRD set, in part, because of Home Theater's glowing review. The technology was brand new then, so it was a bit of a gamble -- and it didn't pay off. Now that there is a history of the SXRD technology weaknesses, Home Theater should have mentioned any of Sony's attempts to improve SXRD. Without even referencing the challenges that Sony previously had, the review is, at best, uniformed, and at worst, a shill for Sony. I'm hoping it is merely uniformed...

Kris Deering's picture
Hello Ducksoup, The problem you're referring to is in relation to the Sony SXRD rear-projection televisions. This problem has never manifested with SXRD projectors that I'm aware of and I've never read anything to the contrary. I imagine this has to do with the light engine used in the RPTV configuration since it never was an issue with the projection designs.
Ducksoup_SD's picture

Sorry for the delay, but a family emergency has kept me from this...

I was hoping that someone in the press, i.e. Home Theater, wouldn't wait for problems to develop before reporting them to the public. I was hoping that someone in the press would ask Sony,"The SXRD technology was less than perfect in your rear-projection TVs, as demonstrated by the multiple class-action suits. How have you improved the technology to eliminate those problems in this family of projectors?" If it's truly "never manifested with SXRD projectors", then ask, "What is different on the projectors that eliminates the chip color changing issue that was documented in the projection TVs?"

I'm surprised that Sony didn't address that issue in their product release documents. After all, why would anyone purchase a projector that uses the same projection chips that turn green or pink in the TVs -- after several months of use, not just a few hours of a review process -- if it wasn't fixed? I would have expected Sony to be proactive and happily tell how they've now learned from the old chips and improved everything about SXRD.

Maybe most readers are too young to remember that Ford sold the Pinto with a known defect because they figured it was cheaper to settle the lawsuits that would occur than to recall the car. Has Sony decided to go this way to help recoup their SXRD investment? Just keep pumping SXRD units out until they maximize the return, regardless of their customers hard-earned $$$?

Those are the things that I'd hoped to see in Home Theater, or, maybe have HT anonymously send over a file to Consumer Reports so they could follow up on this. I guess that's just too much to hope for when you're talking about a big potential advertiser and a small mag.

Dr. Smoke's picture

smell a rat.
I have a HW10 SXRD projector and it is phenomenal.
We use it for everything from skylanders to movies to NASCAR.
The color is better than I have seen in any other projector.
I am no expert but beleive it is to do with the SXRD. It's the reds that really show.
Either way can't beleive I am taking the time to post on here but I bet you will not find one Sony projector owner that would tell you he will not buy another Sony.
I have had 3 people upgrade to this machine after seeing mine.
The only complaint if any is we have been through 4 bulbs in 3 years but we put a lot of hours on it.
Ther will be a Sony 4k SXRD projector in my future once the ps4 comes out.
Hope they come down in price by then because I am officially pot committed and would not consider any other brand after how good this machine is.