Sony 3D BD 'Fully Capable' of 1080p

Sony's new BDP-S470 and BDP-S570 Blu-ray players "will be fully capable of 3D playback of Full HD 1080p for each eye," company spokesperson Greg Belloni has told Engadget HD. And yet these players are nominally HDMI 1.3 compatible, as opposed to 1.4, which is supposed to be the 3D version.

However, that doesn't necessarily mean that HDMI 1.3 is 3D capable. Sony says the new players "support the HDMI 1.4 spec for 3D playback, but may not support all of the qualifications of spec (which is why we haven't labeled it specifically 1.4 at this time)."

That's all we know for the time being. 'Nuff said.