The Return Of the On-Wall RPTV: Starring JVC!

JVC has developed a new optical engine what squeezes 58" and 65" 1080p HD-ILA RPTVs into cabinets with depths of just 10.7" and 11.6, respectively, officially reviving the concept of "big screen" RPTVs that can hang on the wall. THe HD-58S998 will be available in January at an estimated $3,299, while the HD-65S998 will debut in March at approximately $4,199.


Both InFocus and Thomson marketed thin profile DLP RPTVs a few years back as RPTVs that could hang on the wall, just like plasma or LCD flat panels, only two or three times as thick! Of course, this is a somewhat curious area to focus on as it's been reported that the majority of plasma and LCD flat panel owners actualy table mount those displays. Still, thin is always in, even if the TV is stand- or table-mounted.

The two slim profile JVC sets use a concave mirror to reduce the throw distance between the light engine and the mirror required to make rear projection work, which is why the new sets are as thin as they are.

The sets are loaded with the same performance features as JVC's recent HD-ILA rear projectors. The sets are three-chip, 1080p models that sport a dynamic iris system, here dubbed Super Cinema Iris, for improved blacks and contrast. Fifth generation D.I.S.T. (Digital Image Scaling Technology) video processing is used, and both sets include dual HDMI inputs and ATSC/DRC/QAM/NTSC tuners are integrated. We'll be on the lookout for these svelte sets at CES ina couple of weeks!